


DEADLINE:  Friday, November 22, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

SPECIFICATIONS DOWNLOAD > IFB-Valve Insertion Equipment System Bid  *Please check back for addendums or email to be notified.

Sealed Bids for furnishing and delivery of equipment to the Town of Harwich, Massachusetts will be received at the Water Department office, 196 Chatham Rd, Harwich, MA 02645 until 11:00 a.m. prevailing time on Monday, November 25, 2024, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The Work consists of furnishing, delivery and warranty of one (1) new and unused Valve Insertion System with tapping machine, hydraulic drive motor, hydraulic power pack, appurtenances and services as specified.

Bid security in the form of a bid bond, certified check, treasurer's or cashier's check, payable to the Town of Harwich Water Department, is required in a dollar amount of five (5) percent of the bid amount. The Bid Security shall be returned after the Contract has been executed and a suitable 100% Supply Bond has been received by the Town.

The Instructions to Bidders, Form of General Bid, Contract, Specifications, Payment Bond and other Contract Documents may be obtained from the Water Department office, 196 Chatham Rd, Harwich, MA 02645, from November 6, 2024, until the date and time of the bid opening by contacting Jason Trepanier, Superintendent of Water & Wastewater by email to or by phone to 508-432-0304.

Bidding and award of this Contract shall be required to comply with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30B, and all other applicable Massachusetts General Laws.

The Successful Bidder must furnish a 100% Supply Bond and a 100% Payment Bond by a surety authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and acceptable to the Owner. Complete instructions for filing Bids are included in the Instructions for Bidders.

The Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal Holidays excluded, after the opening of the bids. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids.

For further information, please contact Water Superintendent Jason Trepanier by email to, or by phone at 508-432-0304. Responses to inquiries shall be posted on this webpage.

The Town of Harwich reserves the right to reject any or all bids should they deem it in the best interest of the Town.
Board of Water & Wastewater Commissioners

Noreen Donahue, Allin Thompson, Bob Young, Judith Underwood and John Gough



*Vendor Responsibility for Bid Download: Massachusetts Chapter 30B Uniform Procurement Act states that vendors who download an IFB are required to check the website periodically for any addenda to the IFB issued by jurisdiction.  If you download the specifications, please either check back for addenda or email and request to be added to distribution list for addenda.
Questions and concerns should be directed to Superintendent, Jason Trepanier at


10/17/24 Waterworks Supplies | Ferguson Waterworks <>$100K
9/18/24 Water Vehicles (3) | Colonial Municipal Group <$270K
7/11/24 John Deere Loader | United Construction & Forestry $230,885K
11/16/23 Waterworks Supplies | Cape Cod Winwater <>$100K
8/24/23 New Well Source Exploration | GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. $501,500
7/5/23 Generator Bid | FM Generator $123,150
6/30/23 SCADA Upgrade | Woodard & Curran $48,900
11/02/22 Well 7 Replacement | Denis L. Maher, LLC $37,460
08/19/22 Well 4 Cleaning & Redevelopment | Denis L. Maher Co., LLC $18,092.50
07/29/22 Water Meter Bid for FY23 has been awarded to sole bidder; Ti-Sales
02/15/22 Route 39 Tank Altitude Valve | Harper Haines
08/11/21 Waterworks Materials for FY22; up to $100K (300+items)
04/08/21 Waterworks Materials for Pleasant Lake Tank Project | Ferguson Waterworks; $82,706.30
12/16/20 Pleasant Lake Elevated Water Storage Tank Improvements | Trumble Construction, Inc.; $300K
09/24/20 20-Ton Tag Along Trailer | Schmidt Equipment, Inc.; $22,180
11/12/19 Domestic Water Meter | Ti-Sales, Inc.; various.
10/09/19 Compact Excavator | Schmidt Equipment; $49,153 less $12,200 trade-in
10/09/19 Water Service Renewal REBID | JW Dubis & Sons, Inc.; $292,200 
05/17/19 Water Service Renewal | Dig It Construction, LLC; $313,500 | *CANCELLED