Projects and Purchases per 7-Year Capital Plan Fiscal Year 2021-2027
2022 Land Acquisition; $175K
2022 Route 28 Water Main Replacement Design; $100K
2022 Station 8 Generator; $50K
2023 New Well Construction; $500K
2023 Route 28 Water Main Construction; $2M
2023 Fleet/Truck Replacement (x2); $125K
2024 Pavement Management - Well Access Roads; $175
2025 Paint Pleasant Lake Tank; $1.75M
2025 Fleet/Truck Replacement (1); $75K
2026 Water Main Upgrades - Phase 1 Pipe Discontinuity; $1.5M
2027 No Capital Projects planned
Approved/Pending Projects and Upgrades
2021 New Source Exploration; ATM21 $250K
2020 Pleasant Lake Tank; Increase diameter of fill pipe; ATM19 #16 $300K
2020 Generator Replacement at Main Facility; ATM19 #15 $65K
Recently Completed Projects and Upgrades; 2013-2020 YTD
Utility Truck Purchase; Ford F550 ATM19 #18 $76,551
Water Service Renewals; ATM17 #24 $400K, Spring/Summer 2020, Contractor: J.W. Dubis & Sons
Mini Excavator Replacement; ATM19- $50K
Lothrop Avenue Water Main Repair; ATM19 $TBD
Repave Access Roads to Well Sites; ATM18-18 $175
Crossover Project; ATM17 $400K
Utility Trucks Purchase; ATM18-19 $101,825 (trade in 2004 & 2005)
Lower County Road Project; ATM18-17 $1.3M
Purchase of a 2018 Ford Super Duty 2017 F-350 SRW (X3B) XL 4WD SuperCab w/ 6.75' Box; $58,945, FY18
Purchase of a 2018 Ford Super Duty 2017 F-350 SRW (F3B) XL 4WD RegCab w/ 8' Box; $48,910, FY18
Lothrop Water Tank Replacement; $1.6M, Winter 2016-2017
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Upgrade; $300K, Spring 2017
Excavator Purchase; $120K
New Ford F350 truck w/utility body and snow plow, purchased in FY16
Construction of a new 1MGD (expandable to 3MGD) Greensand Water Treatment Facility at North Westgate Road site.
Purchase of a Ford F550 utility truck
Purchase of a Peterbilt dump truck
Postponed project: Lothrop Avenue water tank rehabilitation and painting. Bids obtained ($2.211M) higher than anticipated. Structural repairs and interior and exterior painting or identification of an alternative site for the location of a new tank postponed until FY2016.
Updated SCADA reporting software
Implement Elements paperless Work Order/GIS program
Replaced/replenished pavement at North Westgate Facility; $22K
Replacement of 5 pump station hatches
New generator purchase for Pump Station #2; $18K; in progress
Redevelopment of Well #2 and installation of submersible pump and motor; $18K
Projects and Upgrades since Enterprise Fund Inception; 2006-2012
14 Wells redeveloped
13 New submersible pumps and motors
12 New Variable Speed Motors (VFD’s)
14 Stations receive new electrical systems
14 Stations Buildings repainted interior and exterior
14 New generators for pumping stations
12 Cement Floors sanded and repainted
12 buildings receive new roofs
8 New Gates around pumping stations
New Garage Doors on Chatham Road Garages
New doors on all out buildings
New Transformer for Chatham Road Complex
New SCADA System
New Fiber Optics run throughout Well field to reduce Lighting damage
Water Tracker GIS and Elements Program
Voice Broadcast System
Conversion from National Data to the Munis Billing Program
New Heat and AC system at Main Offices
Rebuilt office space in main offices, replaced carpets in main office and conference room
Purchase of a 750 Dump Truck, 1 Ton Dump, Mini Excavator, new utility bed for pickup
Purchased three snow plows
Routine upgrade of fleet
Two Trailers
New Department and GIS websites
New 1.5 MG Fluted Tank – Oak Street
Repainting and refurbishment of the Route 39 Tank
New Fence around the 39 Tank
Cell Antennas on 39 Tank and Pleasant Lake Tank
Replacement of 600 Fire Hydrants
2 miles of 16” ductile iron water main
Sea Street water main replacement
Allen Street Water Main replacement
Lower Bank Street water main replacement
Bruce Cahoon Greensand Filtration Plant 6.5 MG
Installation of radio read devices for 8,500 accounts
Took over water service installations
Cleaned and Painted 1380 fire hydrants
Leak detection of our entire system twice a year
Exercise Fire Hydrants every year
Vacuum valve boxes every year
Replace computers and with office equipment as needed
Well Investigation at site 10
Flushing program
System Maps
Backflow Device Inspection Program (subcontracted)