Customer Service

Self Service:  A-Z Topic Library  |  Forms  |  Services Offered

Meeting the needs of our customers is a primary goal. Whether it has to do with water bills, water service, water quality or a wide variety of other questions, Department personnel are prepared to assist consumers wherever possible.  

Phone: 508-432-0304

Hours of Operaton:  Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the exception of Holidays

Emergencies 24 hours/7 days a week:  Dial 508-432-0304 and follow voice prompt for emergency

Fax:  888-774-3557

Email: see also list of Department Email Addresses below

Payment Address:  Pay by Phone 24/7 844-953-0665 or Pay Now online or Mail Payment

Office Address:  196 Chatham Road, Harwich MA 02645  |  Location Map

Department Email Addresses:

Board of Water & Wastewater Commissioners  |
Water & Wastewater Superintendent  |
Assistant Superintendent  |
Treatment Operator  |
Comptroller  |
Billing Administrator  |
Customer Service  |
Website Administrator  | Contact Us