Town of Harwich Wastewater

Phase 3 Pending Link >> Wastewater Project Information

Phase 2 Sewer Construction  |  Complete 

Order to Connect Extended to March 1, 2025

Phase 2 is within the Pleasant Bay watershed.  Since it is the largest watershed with the highest percentage of septic system nitrogen removal required. This also allows the Town to work with Chatham, use a regional approach to wastewater treatment and recharge, and to provide further protection to some of the Harwich drinking water supply wells. Phase 2 also provides sewer service to the East Harwich Village Commercial District or East Harwich Village Center and surrounding areas to accommodate potential higher density development. Sewering these areas removes significant nitrogen towards meeting the Pleasant Bay TMDL. Delaying Pleasant Bay sewer construction in this area until this phase also helps avoid time restrictions on the recent roadway improvements done on state road Route 137. Collected wastewater will be pumped to the Chatham WPCF for treatment. Negotiations are ongoing but it appears Harwich would purchase treatment capacity in the newly upgraded and expanded Chatham facility. Effluent initially can be recharged at the Chatham facility site for a few years but ultimately may require an effluent pumping station to be constructed for pumping it back to Harwich for recharge at a site in the Pleasant Bay watershed. The recommended plan for the Cold Brook natural attenuation would also be implemented in this phase.

Phase 1 Natural Atennuation Programs  |  Complete

The focus of this Phase 1 was to implement the two natural nitrogen attenuation programs. The first is the Muddy Creek Bridge project which will increase the existing creek opening to 24-ft width. The inlet widening will increase the flushing in Muddy Creek and will help restore the ecological habitat. Harwich and Chatham funded this program and obtained several grants to help pay for construction. Project completion ES.4 Recommended Wastewater Program 26 is expected in summer 2016. The second program is the evaluation of options to improve the natural attenuation in the Cold Brook former cranberry bog network off Bank Street. The goal is to increase the natural nitrogen attenuation from the existing 35 percent to 50 percent by adding ponds where denitrification can occur. Harwich funded this study in FY15 and FY16 with results expected in June 2016. The recommended plan developed in the study phase would be designed and constructed in Phase 2. Both of these projects will allow the Town to monitor and confirm water quality improvements in these watersheds and to adjust future programs as needed. The Town also sought to purchase a 21 acre parcel in site PB-3 for an effluent recharge facility but local neighborhood opposition helped defeat the purchase. Other sites in the Pleasant Bay watershed are now under consideration. Implementation of the Hinckleys Pond restoration project has not yet received funding.


Several wastewater committees served to assist with develop of the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP).  The, now defunct, Wastewater Support Committee was the most recent committee that advised the Select Board on implementation progress and issues with special attention to effective public outreach including resident input and discussion, sources/uses of funds and implementation of appropriate adaptive management measures.  Thank you to all of those volunteer members who contributed to the development of the CWMP.  

CWMP implementation is complex and involves many players.  From the Town Administrator (& town staff), Town Engineer, Water & Wastewater Superintendent, Board of Water & Wastewater Commissioners, Select Board, Health Director to the consulting services of CDM Smith, Weston and Sampson and now GHD.

There is a wealth of educational documentation archived on the Town Website.  Some of the items you will find archived are handouts, presentations, videos, finances, reports and other related projects.