Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates Jr, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol Connor
Also Present: Officials and representatives of various Town Departments.
Meeting called to order at 8:25 AM.
A presentation was given by Wes Gardner regarding an enterprise fund. The goal is to become self-sufficient and not have to compete with other town departments for funding. A vote of town meeting through a warrant article would be required to pass the change to enterprise fund. Chapter 44 of Municipal Finance refers to the enterprise fund. Rates would provide a full cost recovery. All funds are reviewed by the Bureau of Accounts which is part of the Department of Revenue. The budget would still be approved by the Selectmen, Finance Committee, and the Town Meeting. Also, the enterprise fund should have a separate bank account.
Leo Cakounas asked about bonding issues. This is part of the town, and the Water Department cannot bond on it's own. Would the credit rating of the town be affected? Rates from water bills will pay the expenditures through the enterprise fund, and Mr. Gardner has not seen any problems in any other towns. A sound package will be put together to be spread out over a period of years per Superintendent Wiegand. According to George Cavanaugh this should work similar to a land bank. System improvement charges, not just the rates, need to be increased to help cover costs. A reserve fund will be set up by the enterprise fund to cover unexpected expenses. If necessary, the Finance Committee could still be approached for funds, and then be repaid.
Fire Chief Robert Peterson spoke in favor of going to an enterprise fund, and stated it should have been done many years ago.
Mr. Gardner described water district pros and cons. A district must be approved by the General Assembly of MA., and needs it's own legal counsel, treasurer, clerk, and board secretary. The district also would not be subject to proposition 2-1/2%. There would be approximately $70,000 in additional costs. A district would have it's own Finance Committee and Commissioners, and responsibility is a key issue.
Leo Cakounas asked it a surcharge could be added to the water rates to build a new tank. It would still have to deal with Proposition 2-1/2% according to Mr. Gardner.
The Board thanked Mr. Gardner for his presentation, and the town officials for attending, and will take all information under advisement.
The Board discussed the bylaws and regulations for new sub-divisions, which need to be examined. All new plans should be required to install water mains. The burden must be placed on the developers who are creating new sub-divisions and increased usage. Dry systems also need to be considered per Chief Peterson. The developers could be assessed now, and the money put into surplus until future expansions are done.
Bill schedules signed as presented.
Service applications signed for:
1. 81 Long Road
2. 29 Anchorage Court
3. 104 Kendrick Road
Abatements signed for service #2534, #7385, #2064, and #352.
The Board reviewed the abatement request for Service #93. After discussion, it was decided that the homeowner should have notified town departments of a previous water problem at his location and that the outside of the house had sprayed water and icicles hanging on it before they were called out for a possible leak and broken pipes. The Board voted to disapprove the homeowner's request for an abatement.
Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes of 12/03/2002. George Cavanaugh seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve.
The meetings for January were set for the 7th, and the 21st.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary