Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand
Meeting called to order at 8:15 Am.
Motion made by Danette Gonsalves to approve minutes of October 08, 2002. Seconded by George Cavanaugh. Unanimous vote to approve.
Bill schedules reviewed and approved as presented.
Service applications reviewed and approved as presented.
Appointment: Leo Yuskus of Haley & Ward was in attendance and presented the three low bids for the Route 39 and Lothrop Avenue tank rehabilitation projects. He stated that on Thursday, October 10, 2002, four bids were received for the coating rehabilitation as summarized below:
1. HROMA Corporation - $128,100.00
2. R M Lill Inc. - 176,300.00
3. AMEX Inc. - 185,000.00
4. Durgin Painting Inc. - 196,300.00
Mr. Yuskus voiced his concern with the fact that HROMA Corp bid was $48,200.00 less than the next lowest bidder, and the other three bidders were closer in price. Both Superintendent Wiegand and Mr. Yuskus have worked with the owner of this company on other projects and both did not have good experiences with this contractor. Because HROMA Corp was the low bidder, Mr. Yuskus made a recommendation that we award them the contract for the price of $128,100.00. A motion was so made by George Cavanaugh, and seconded by Danette Gonsalves, with the stipulation that Leo Yuskus should keep close watch on the progress of this project. The vote was unanimous to approve.
Mr. Yuskus then brought up the subject of the new tank location. He showed the Board a map of the site and proposed access road. There is only a 24 ft. easement on Oak Street and we would prefer to have a 40 ft. easement to this location. Haley & Ward and the Water Department are both working with the town engineer to obtain a 40 ft. easement from the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School. Mr. Yuskus will update the Board when further information is obtained.
Old Business: Superintendent Wiegand passed Board members a letter which he received from Elbert E. Woodis that read in part "we part timers get taken advantage of again. All our consumption occurs between the 3/16 and 9/15 billing period with zero consumption in the 9/15 to 3/15 period. Do you stay up at night thinking of ways to get at taxpayers who happen to prefer to go south in the winter? I wish I could vote." The Board instructed the superintendent to write this individual a letter explaining the billing process.
Superintendent's Report: In lieu of the usual written report, Mr. Wiegand previewed the presentation to be made to the Board of Selectmen at a joint meeting on October 30th. The Board thanked the superintendent for the quality of the report as well as its content. They then stated that they were looking forward to the meeting with the Selectmen, Finance Committee, and Town Administrator.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary