Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Secretary Carol Connor, Meter Technician Michael Sanford.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Bates at 8:15 AM.
Bill schedules signed as presented.
Service applications signed for:
1. 731 Depot Street
2. 9 Seaport Lane
3. 169 Route 137
4. 31 Pleasant Park Circle
5. 14 Old Carriage Drive
6. 58 Pleasant Lake Avenue
7. 78 Old Chatham Road
8. 14 Sea Pine Knoll
9. 20 Old Carriage Drive
10. Skinequit Pond Road
Minutes of 09/03/02 -- Mrs. Gonsalves made a motion to approve as written. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Appointments: 8:30 -- Umberto Longo for a watering violation at 149 Depot Road. Mr. Longo explained his irrigation system operation. He claims he never received a warning and is protesting the fine issued. Mr. Wiegand explained the warning procedure and that warning letters were usually left at the houses watering at the wrong time or on the wrong day. Notices were placed in the newspapers, on channel 18, and at each main entrance to town. Mr. Longo still states that he is not guilty of a watering violation due to not being properly notified, and being unaware of the ban. Michael Sanford explained that on the day in question both sides of Mr. Longo's driveway were wet, but Mr. Ganong his neighbor stated it was his sprinkler system that blew over onto Mr. Longo's property. The Board decided to waive the fine in this particular instance.
8:45 -- Curtis Ganong of 145 Depot Road admitted to his violation. He showed the Board members a copy of a letter he had written explaining that he was on a Scott's fertilization program and needed to water. He is appealing the $50.00 fine on what he feels was his first offense, and he feels that more than one warning should have been given. He stated that on that particular day his sprinkler system was on but he was not at home. He has now changed his system to be in compliance. The Board decided that Mr. Ganong did admit to his violation, therefore his fine remains in place.
9:00 -- Peter Stagg stated that his water bill was over 4 million gallons and they were notified of the overage by the Water Department who also came over on several occasions to check for leaks. His bill is over $9,000, and he does not have an irrigation system. He also stated that he has stopped washing customer cars as a courtesy and now only washes new cars. The Water Department has removed the meter and sent it for testing. It tested correctly and is operating fine. The Water Department also has done leak detection on this property and can find no leaks. There was a previous high consumption (1992) in which the same thing happened and no reason was ever found. Mr. Stagg previously requested an abatement and was refused. The Boards decision was that the owner is responsible for the water and no abatement is to be granted. They suggested that Mr. Stagg have a plumber thoroughly check his entire system.
9:15 -- David Hill of 547 Pleasant Lake Avenue Æ Mr. Hill's water was turned off due to non-payment and he is protesting the $100 reconnection fee. He stated that he did receive his bill at his home off-Cape but did not pay it. He then said his mailbox was damaged so he did not get the shutoff notice, and he did not see the one placed on his property here because it was in the front door and he uses the back door. He asked for waiver of the $100 fee. The Board decided that the fee was to remain in place in this instance.
9:30 -- Bridget Fretthold of 10 Mary Willet Court claims she was very sparing with the water used on her lawn. She also claims she was not notified properly and should not have been fined. Michael Sanford presented pictures taken at her property of the irrigation running, and of the notice placed on her door. She claims the pictures mean nothing and were taken after the rain. At this time, it had not rained for over 8 weeks. The Board decided that the fines were to remain in place on this property.
9:45 am -- George Spault failed to appear before the Board. Therefore the previous decision of requiring an 8" main and a hydrant remains intact.
Letters received from Rudy Mucha of 9 Courtney Road, Ruta Ule of 4 Eagle's Nest, and Thomas O'Connor of 89 Depot Road, all protesting the fines issued to them. There is enough evidence to justify the fines so the Board decided that the fines are to remain in place.
Superintendent's report given by Mr. Wiegand.
Draft of rules and regulations were given to each commissioner for review and future discussion.
Next meetings to be held on October 8 and October 22, 2002.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary