Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor.
Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Chairman Bates.
Mrs. Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes of August 6, 2002 meeting. Mr. Cavanaugh seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
Bill schedules signed as submitted.
Service applications signed for:
* 4 Stephen Hopkins Road
* 3 Rogers Lane
* 212 Lothrop Avenue
* 117 Great Western Road
Abatements signed for service #6195 and for period ending 07/03/02.
Discussion regarding an abatement request from Stagg Chevrolet. The meter was removed and tested by Regan Testing and was actually reading in favor of the customer. 4,233,000 gallons of water went through the meter. Mr. Cavanaugh made a motion to deny the abatement request due to the testing results. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.
Several letters received and read regarding good performances by the employees with customers in the field.
Warren Miranda proof of insurance has been received. He has now been reinstated back on the list of approved installers.
The Department's request for a line item #364 transfer of funds went well at the Selectmen's meeting according to a report given by Mr. Cavanaugh. He also wanted to thank Superintendent Wiegand for a job well done on his very thorough proposal and his well prepared information.
A letter is to be sent to the Selectmen and Finance Committee to invite them to a luncheon for a general update on the department.
Mr. Wiegand reviewed a memo regarding monies for the Scada system and water main maintenance.
Superintendent's report reviewed.
Video done by D. L. Mahar of the conditions exiting inside of the wells watched by the Board members.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary