REGULAR MEETING: A regular meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2002. The 5:30 PM meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Bates.
PRESENT: Donald Bates, Danette Gonsalves, George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand and Deborah Fuller, Senior Administrative Assistant were present.
MINUTES APPROVED: The minutes of May 2, 2002, were read and approved. Danette Gonsalves motion to accept, Donald Bates second the motion. Unanimously voted and so moved.
PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: Carlton Francis representing the Town Community Gardens attended the meeting to discuss present watering habits at the gardens and prior consumption. Water use for the Gardens and any Town usage this year will be by hand watering only. Community Gardens hours will be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between the hours of 6:00 AM Æ 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM. No watering will be allowed on Sundays.
Danette Gonsalves asks if hand watering is only for town accounts, Superintendent Wiegand explained that he was hoping the Board would agree hand watering would be mandated for all water customers this summer.
Mr. Francis asked about the use of soaker hoses, Superintendent Wiegand explained that no mechanical devices might be used including soaker hoses.
George Cavanaugh asked about water use at the golf courses and private wells. Superintendent Wiegand stated that the Board has no jurisdictions over private well users and that he has spoken to Cranberry Valley Golf Course. The Golf Courses are willing to do a voluntary conservation program in support of the Water Department.
Carlton Francis agreed that he would speak to the garden members and forward our concerns.
There was discussion regarding irrigation watering. It was decided that water consumers could water on an odd/even cycle and during the hours of 9:00pm to 6:00 am only. Town departments would be allowed to water on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with no watering on Sundays. Danette Gonsalves made a motion to initiate the Water Restriction By-Law; Section 5 (a)(b)(c) and (e), beginning June 1, 2002. Donald Bates seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously voted and so moved.
Jason Federico and Paul Gabriel represented Environmental Partners Group. Overview presented of the Town of Harwich Water Distribution System Modeling and Storage Tank Evaluation. EP looked at the last 10 years average day and maximum day, with this information they were able to predict the average and maximum day's consumption for the next 20 years.
EP stated that without any changes (such as a new tank) we would have a deficit of 785,606 gallons. Currently with peak hourly demand and fire protection storage we are running a deficit.
The Distribution System Model was developed using ArcView Mapping. The highest users determined the peak season and were assigned to the appropriate junction. The model showed fire flow deficiencies (water demand is greater than mains can deliver). The model will help in budget planning and upgrading of system. Currently 98%of the Town meets ISO demands.
Environmental Partners also discussed the Lower County Road Bridge Project. The model showed that if we were to shut down the 8" main that crosses the Lower County Road Bridge, the fire flow deficiencies increase tremendously. We would be in compliance with DEP as far as pressure within system, but taking the 8" main offline could cause some water quality issues. Recommended conclusion is that a temporary 8" main should be installed across Herring River.
* Abatements for service #'s 7819 and 5835 were discussed, approved, and signed.
* Reorganization of the Board - Chairman will be Donald Bates, Vice Chairman will be Danette Gonsalves, and the George Cavanaugh will be the Clerk.
* The Board also decided to hold their meetings during the day.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT : The SuperintendentÍs report is attached as submitted.
Reorganization of Board of Water Commissioners was discussed after the meeting was called to order;
Lower County Bridge Work and the Hydraulic Model were discussed during the Public Open Forum. See Public Open Forum and Superintendent's Report.
The residents of Wayside Drive submitted a written request for water main installation. Due to budgetary cuts the department does not have the funding to install the water main this fiscal year or next fiscal year. There are other options such as betterments available to the residents.
REVIEW AND APPROVE INVOICES: Invoices for $90.00 and $896.16 were approved and signed by Board.
SERVICE APPLICATIONS AND SITE/SUBDIVISION: The following applications were approved and signed:
* 9342 - 35 old Carriage Drive
* 9343 - 4 Bassett Woods Road
* 9344 - 23 Old Heritage Way
* 9357 - 169 Rte 137/ Auslin Rd
* 9358 - 237 Lothrop Ave
* 1. - 18 Davis Lane and NorÍ Way
OTHER BUSINES: There was discussion on encumbering present articles to complete work that is outstanding. Increasing water rates will be reviewed at the next meeting. The Lower County Road Bridge evaluations and results are to be forwarded to Town Hall and the Fire Chief.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion for adjournment was made by Danette Gonsalves and seconded by Donald Bates. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Gary SinclairDanette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Deborah A. Fuller, Sr. Admin. Asst.