Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Gary Sinclair, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol Connor
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Chairman Bates.
Service applications signed as presented.
Abatements signed for services #9277, 8668, 3332, 457, 3260, 4809, and 6591 signed by Board members.
Gary Sinclair made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/19/02 as written. The motion was seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.
Mr. Fink of Red Pine Drive appeared before the Board for an update on the location of the proposed water tower. Mr. Wiegand explained that the present site is the best hydraulically. If the tank is located back further it will have to go up in height and will cost more. Mr. Wiegand also explained that a computer generated plan will show the same even if it was moved back 500 ft. He then explained that the $150,000 the Water Department is seeking now is for engineering to get the project moving. Mr. Fink stated that he feels he has no input in this matter, and that the previous town meeting was wrong in passing the purchase of the land. Mr. Fink feels his proposal is better than what the town voters approved and will save money on paving. Mr. Sinclair explained that the plan to build the tower on this property has been in effect for 20 years. This plan has also been justified by Fire Chief Peterson, and James Marceline who donated land for the Cape Cod Tech School. Mr. Fink stated that he felt there were no public hearings held. This land falls under a unique real property acquisition, and therefore, no public hearings were required. Also, Mr. Fink is not an abutter to the property. Mr. Fink threatened that he will have the Water Department money request voted down at Town meeting.
Rules and regulation discussion n per Mr. Wiegand this can be postponed until after town meeting.
Discussion regarding rate changes. A proposed draft was reviewed and per Mr. Sinclair he feels it is too ambitious at this time due to tax increases, etc. Also per Mr. Sinclair the high end users should pay higher rates starting at those that use over 100,000 gallons. A dollar analysis still needs to be done per Mr. Wiegand.
Irrigation at the town gardens discussed n Mr. Sinclair feels that the gardeners should split the cost of the water rates evenly at the end of the season. Water conservation begins with the town itself.
Employee reviews have been completed for Jason Trepanier and Dusty Eldredge. Mr. Sinclair stated they are fair and honest.
Discussion regarding restructuring. Any restructuring would have to be voted on, and the Board feels that reorganization without title changes is okay.
Superintendentis report given by Mr. Wiegand.
Bill from Stanfordis Climate Control to Julie Hubbard. Letter claims that the Water Dept. is at fault for turning on a main breaker to do a seasonal turn off. Our employees all carry flashlights and it is not a policy of the department to turn on any breakers in customeris homes. Therefore, payment of this request is denied per a motion by Mr. Sinclair. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.
Request for $10.00 demand charge to be removed from account #7472 approved per a motion by Mr. Sinclair. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.
Discussion regarding the Finance Committee cutting the water main budget from the requested $250,000 to $100,000. This amount is not sufficient and this needs to be amended on town meeting floor per Mr. Sinclair. He will do the presenting at Town Meeting if the Board so wishes. Mr. Wiegand will go to channel 18 and make a presentation there as well.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Donald T. Bates, Jr.
Gary Sinclair
Danette Gonsalves
Craig Wiegand
Carol M. Connor