Commissioners Meeting Minutes 03/19/2002

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Gary Sinclair, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor

Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Chairman Bates.

Minutes of 3/05/02 reviewed and one change in spelling to Xeroscape in place of zero landscaping. A motion was made by Mr. Sinclair to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.

Service applications signed for:
1) 237 Sisson Road
2) 706 Queen Anne Road
3) 2089 Route 28
4) 2091 Route 28
5) 2093 Route 28
6) 20 Deaconis Folly Road

Selectman Cyd Zeigler was present at the meeting to discuss leaving the Water Department tank article in the warrant. The motion could be changed to raise and appropriate $150,000 through debt exclusion for preliminary engineering. The Board of Selectmen discussed this at their meeting on 3/18/02, and Selectmen Hughes preferred to move this request out another year on the capital plan. Mr. Wiegand explained that this project will take 3 years to complete engineering plus 1-1/2 years once the contract is signed, so it will be 5 years for this project to start. He feels this project should stay on track. Mr. Zeigler feels this request could go either way with the Board of Selectmen if presented now, but could possibly be unanimously supported by the Selectmen if put off for a year. It would present a unanimous front to have the support of the full board. Mr. Sinclair made a motion to send a memo to the Board of Selectmen stating that the Board of Water Commissioners is motioning to keep the article in this warrant and to request debt exclusion funds at $150,000 for engineering. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. The vote was 2 in favor and 1 opposed (Donald Bates). Motion carries.

Water Rates: The Board discussed water rates. A rate study for more data needs to be done per Mr. Wiegand. Selectmen Zeigler feels that properties with irrigation systems should be charged a higher rate. The town owned irrigation systems need to be curtailed, and perhaps a well could be installed at Whitehouse Field. The town departments can be mandated as to when they can and can not use water per Mr. Zeigler. The Town of Harwich has doubled its water usage over the last 20 years, and the high end users need to be impacted. Several scenarios need to be looked into with the study per Mr. Wiegand which could be completed in approximately 2 months. The study will be a 20 years plan to cover revenues and expenses per Mr. Wiegand, as there is approximately 20 million dollars in capital projects over the next 15 years. Per Mr. Zeigler the funds for next year do not look any better. Also, if a state mandate comes down regarding outside watering the homeowners with private wells are not under the same restrictions but will be encouraged to follow the restrictions like everyone else per Mr. Wiegand

The contract with Earth Tech for monitoring of the vernal pools in the area of station 11 was reviewed by the Board members. The cost if $5,500. Mr. Sinclair made a motion to authorize the chairman to sign the contract. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.

The Superintendentis report was given by Mr. Wiegand. Wages for new hires were discussed. The minimum starting wage for most departments is $14.00 per hour per Mr. Sinclair. He proposed the equipment operator (L6) step 3 (with a license in 6 months) be set at $14.32, and the maintenance/meter reader step 3 be set at $13.69. Both positions will be reviewed at 6 months and brought to the Board.

Discussion regarding the land grant was held and there are no matching funds available from the town and too many ownersi unknown deeds. Mr. Wiegand suggested, and the Board agreed, that the request be withdrawn.

Mr. Wiegand explained that he had a discussion with Mr. Wesp who feels that he was overcharged because of the way the rates were figured on the last billing cycle. The Board agreed to abate Mr. Wesp $10.00 on his account.

Next meeting is April 2, 2002, and the Board will discuss the rules and regulations and irrigation systems. There also will be a review of the 20 year plan.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Vice Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 03/19/02