Commissioners Meeting Minutes 02/05/2002

Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates Jr., Clerk Gary Sinclair, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor.

Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Chairman Gonsalves.

Police Chief Mason and Lt. Gomes came to the Board to discuss traffic details and overtime schedules and procedures. Chief Mason stated that his department has been down by 5 people for a long period of time. He has had minimum staffing on the streets, and this is his first priority. Lt. Gomes explained that he is in charge of the uniformed personnel and that he tries to fill details as they come in, but he can not order people to work overtime unless it is an emergency. He has 16 shifts that are being worked by his personnel. Mr. Sinclair asked why the Harwich Police Dept. does not call other police departments to fill details. Per Lt. Gomes it was done that way at one time but not anymore, and details are all voluntary. The Water Dept. can call the State Police or the Sheriffis Dept. for coverage of details if Harwich cannot fill the request as they have more resources available. Harwich Police is working on putting a mutual agreement in place with Brewster and Chatham, but there are liability problems which still need to be worked out. Mr. Wiegand asked if the Water Dept can set up criteria with the Police Dept. to use flagmen if no Police details are available. There are too many liability issues and they would have no police powers per Lt. Gomes, and safety is the main concern. Some of the problems could possibly be worked out by giving as much advance notice as possible stated Lt. Gomes. Last summer was extremely busy due to construction on Route 6 at both Exit 9 and the bike bridge per Chief Mason. The County is also flat out with work per Lt. Gomes. Also 5 new officers have just been appointed to the department and all will be finished with the academy by late spring. Chief Mason is working on a 5 chief association between Harwich, Chatham, Brewster, Orleans and Eastham for joint cross training and jurisdictions. Mr. Sinclair asked about a revolving detail account with other towns. Harwich cannot pay other towns through the revolving detail account; the other towns would have to bill us directly per Lt. Gomes. The Police Dept. will help out in an emergency such as a water main break, even if it is on Police Dept. time said Lt. Gomes., and some work can still go ahead depending on the location. He also stated that town departments do get preference in their detail requests. Mr. Wiegand stated that the Water Dept. appreciates that, and that we will provide as much advance notice as possible.

With regard to an emergency response plan, Mr. Wiegand asked to have all the police officers and firefighters go through the Water Dept. buildings so as to be familiar with the layouts and what is located in each building. We will also provide building plans to both departments. Lt. Gomes asked to be contacted by Mr. Wiegand directly so as to go forward with this plan.

Fire Chief Peterson spoke to the Board as to what he considers priority for fire protection. The Route 28 reconstruction of hydrants needs to be addressed. The Chief thanked the Board and the Department for the hydrant and valve replacement work done on the Parallel St. Chief Peterson stated that he feels there is inadequate fire protection in Harwichport due to the fact that the hydrants are all the old Matthews models. He expressed concern about the tie between North Harwich and West Harwich, and the Lower County Road loop. The Lower County Road area is old and needs work, and the area under the bridges along there drop to an 8i main from a 16i main. A piece of 16i main from the elevated tank on Route 39 to John Joseph Road also was never installed per the Chief. Also the water quality in the Moss Hill, Mark Lane, and Allen St. area needs to be addressed. Chief Peterson also thinks the Board should be persistent about the new tank and the site near the Tech school as it is an excellent location. Per Mr. Wiegand there needs to be a hydraulic model of the system. The original main here at the station has been encrusted and needs replacing. Mr. Wiegand is investigating a laser cut well next to well #4 to try to get to different strata. GIS is doing some mapping work on it now.

With regard to an emergency response plan, Chief Peterson stated the Fire Department already has one in place which he will provide to Mr. Wiegand, and he feels a refresher course of the buildings and layouts for his personnel is an excellent idea.

Minutes of 1/15/02. Mr. Sinclair made a motion to approve as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.

A total of 11 new service applications were signed by the Board members. With regard to the applications for the new Pine Oaks Village housing complex on Oak St., Mr. Sinclair questioned if both water and fire sprinkler protection were both being provided off a 2i main to each building, and whether irrigation can be run off Buildings B & C. The fire sprinklers and domestic water services are separate in each building per Mr. Wiegand, and irrigation will be allowed off both Buildings B & C as they have less units than the other buildings.

The Board reviewed and signed the agreement submitted by Haley & Ward for miscellaneous engineering services. Mr. Sinclair made the motion to sign the agreement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.

The service installer insurance coverage list was reviewed and found to be all in order.

Abatements for services #1912, 1797 and 4927 were signed per a motion by Mr. Sinclair. Mr. Bates seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.

A letter from Environmental Partners Group regarding water cad service was presented by Mr. Wiegand for review by the Board. A motion was made by Mr. Bates to sign the proposed mapping of the townis water system. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sinclair. Unanimous vote by the Board to approve.

A request by East Coast Water Works to be placed on the contractor installer list was presented and found to be in order. Due to the excellent letters of recommendation submitted, Mr. Sinclair made a motion to approve the request. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous approval by the Board.

The abatement letters for services #3834 and 2723 were signed by the Board members.

The Superintendent's report was given by Mr. Wiegand. See copy attached.

The office has received calls regarding water quality test kits which have been placed on mailboxes in various areas of town. This is an independent contractor trying to sell water filters, and has nothing to do with the Water Department. A disclaimer will be placed in the local papers by Superintendent Wiegand.

Board reorganization. A motion was made by Mrs. Gonsalves nominating Donald Bates as Chairman, Gary Sinclair as Vice Chairman, and Danette Gonsalves as Clerk. The motion was seconded by Gary Sinclair. Unanimous vote to approve.

Bills from Bell Plumbing & Heating discussed. According to Mr. Sinclair they are not itemized as to labor and materials being broken out and the Board should not sign un-itemized bills. Mr. Wiegand will contact Herb Bell. Approval was also given to reimburse Philip Sparrow for $15.00 for license renewal.

Water Department Rules and Regulations should be set up for discussion at the next meeting. Irrigation system installations also need to be addressed.

Tentative meeting dates discussed as follows:
February - 05 and 19
March - 05 and 19
April - 02 and 16 and 30
May - 07 and 21

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald Bates, Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 02/05/02

  • Water Service Line Inventory is now available as part of Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. View
  • 11/6/24 Invitation To Bid: Valve Isolation Equipment System. Awarded to Hydra-Stop.
  • 2024 Fall Flushing; October 7th through December 31, 2024 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. in the areas of Pleasant Lake and North > Flushing FAQ's
  • Invitation to Bid: FY 2025 Water Works Supplies | Awarded to Ferguson Waterworks
  • Town Phase 3 Wastewater Engagement Forum; 10/1/2 6:30 p.m. @ Community Center. View Project Info.
  • It's official!!  Our new Water & Wastewater Superintendent, Jason Trepanier, joins our department on Monday, August 26, 2024.  Congratulations Jason and welcome!
  • Voluntary Water Restrictions:  Please consider conserving water staying within the days and hours > Odd number houses: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday  |  Even number houses: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday "Before 8:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m".
  • Spring Flushing is now complete! 
  • Seasonal Laborers Wanted. The pay range is $16.82-$18.94/hr.  View Job Description.  Email Application to 
  • Congratulations Noreen Donahue, on another 3-year term as Water & Wastewater Commissioner!
  • Congratulations to Bob Young!!  We look forward to your contributions as a newly elected Water & Wastewater Commissioner!
  • Thank you Gary Carreiro for your committment and dedication over the past 9 years as Water and Wastewater Commissioner.  You will be missed!!   
  • JOB OPENING:  Harwich Water & Wastewater Superintendent job posting has been extended to Friday, June 28th, 2024  > View Job Posting & Description.
  • 4/01 - 6/30/24 | Spring Flushing Monday-Thursday 6:00p-12a as weather permits > Flushing FAQ's 
  • 5/15/24 Planned power outage at Water Department office on 5/15/24 from 7a-12p (approx) in preparation for generator replacement.
  • Sewer Phase 3 Project Map (.pdf)  |  Wastewater Phase 3 Interactive Map
  • 4/17/24 | Job Posting: Harwich Water & Wastewater Superintendent > View Job Posting & Description.
  • 4/16/24 | 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is now available > View
  • 4/16/24 | New Composting Program to begin 7/1/24 > Learn more
  • 4/10-4/11/24 | Water Emergency; Do Not Drink Water; limited to are of North Harwich was lifted on 4/11/24.
  • 4/01-6/30/24 | Spring Flushing Monday-Thursday 6:00p-12a as weather permits > Flushing FAQ's  
  • 2/12/24 | Phase 3 Septic As-built Ties are available > View P3 Septic As-Built & Septic System Download
  • 2/8/24 | Phase 3 Map and Updates are available > View Map | View Project Updates
  • 2/1/24 | Phase 2 Sewer Order to Connect has been extended to March 1, 2025.
  • 12/5/23 | Fall Flushing is now complete!  Thank you for your patience.
  • 10/23/23 | The Town of Harwich Water Department is accepting sealed bids for furnishing and delivery of General Water Works Supplies for the period of August 11, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Bid awarded to Cape Cod Winwater!
  • 9/13/23 | Fall Flushing begins September 18th and runs through December 2023, Monday - Thursday from 6:00pm to 12a (weather permitting). Flushing will begin in East Harwich and finish in South Harwich. View Flushing FAQ's  
  • 7/11/23 | Water Department job openings; Electrician/Journeyman, Secondary Distribution Operator and (2) Seasonal Laborer Positions | View Job Postings & Job Descriptions.  Positions have been filled as of 9/13/23. Thank you.
  • 06/08/23 | Spring flushing is now complete - Thank you for you patience! 
  • 05/03/23 | Emergency Generators and Transfer Switches RE-BID. Bid awarded to FM Generator!
  • 04/13/23 | The Harwich Board of Water and Wastewater Commissioners will be holding a public hearing April 27, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. at the Harwich Water Department, 196 Chatham Road, Harwich, MA 02645.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input regarding changes to General Bylaws, Chapter 300 Water §300-5, §300-16. Violations and Penalties.... View Legal Ad  |   View General Bylaws, Chapter 300
  • 04/10/23 | Water Main Flushing begins in the areas of Route 39, Harwich Center and North Harwich, Monday through Thursday from 6 PM TO 12AM, through June 30, 2023View Flushing FAQ's
  • 03/02/23 | Need assistance with the cost of your sewer connection?  Cape Cod AquiFund offers low-interest betterment loans for Cape Cod homeowners faced with the cost of replacement of septic sytems and installation of advanced onsite water treatement units now includes sewer connections. Learn more
  • 02/23/23 | Emergency Generators and Transfer Switches bid > View Bid
  • 01/24/23 | Water/Sewer bills were delayed, but have been mailed. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience. Water Department Staff.
  • 10/26/22 | As of Wednesday, October 26th, the Board of Water & Wastewater Commissioners voted to lift the outdoor watering ban in Harwich. Please be advised, water ban citations issued up to this date remain due and payment should be made to the Town Clerk’s Office. Once again, the outdoor watering ban has been lifted in the Town of Harwich. Thank you for your cooperation during the ban.
  • 10/18/22 |  Request for Quote for Well 7 Rehabilitation Pump Removal & Replacement > Link to RFQ download(s)
  • 09/22/22 |  Special Town Meeting, Article #1 Maps >> Route 28 PS Sites_CLR and Phase 3 PS Sites_CLR
  • 08/29/22 |  Invitation for Bid: Water Distribution Materials Bulk Purchase View Bid
  • 07/29/22 |  Mandatory Outdoor Water Ban, Effective 8/1/22; View Notice and  Learn More -->USGS Chart
  • 07/08/22 |  Water Department Job Posting: Secondary Distribution Operator D2, view posting and job description
  • 06/17/22 | Invitation For Bid:  Domestic Water Meters > View Bid
  • 06/16/22 | BOWWC Public Hearing Outcome: Rates & Fees were adopted and become effective 7/1/22.  Property Acquisitions will move forward.  
  • 05/26/22 | A Public Hearing will be held in the Griffin Room at Harwich Town Hall on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. for items; 1. Proposed Water Rates & Fees Increases and 2. Aquisition of Property through Eminent Domain. View Rates & Fees |  Property Acquisition Locations >> Assessors Parcel 43-E-7-0 (0.48 acres), 43-E-9-0 (0.96 acres), 43-E-9A-0 (0.82 acres), 43-E-10-0 (0.97 acres) and 43-E-12-0 (4.51 acres) 
  • 04/01/22 | Spring Flushing Notice is scheduled for April 11th - June 30th, 2022.  Flushing FAQ's
  • 04/01/22 | Annual Water Quality Report 2021 is now available.
  • 03/14/22 | Fertilizer Policy Guidelines Education
  • 03/09/22 | New Payment Options: VISA, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal and PayPal Credit
  • 02/09/22 | Order to Connect to Sewer & Welcome Packet has been mailed to the first round of property owners; 265 total. Read more
  • Secondary Distribution Operator (2 Openings) > Positions have been filled.
  • Fall Flushing 2021 in South Harwich Area; Monday-Thursday 6-11p October 5 through December, weather pending. Flushing FAQ's
  • Sewer Bill Estimates for Phase 2, first-to-connect future customers, is now available -> Sewer Bill Estimates
  • Sewer Rates; effective 7/16/21 -> Sewer Rates
  • New Water Rates; effective 7/1/21 -> Water Rates
  • New Sewer Use Regulations were adopted; effective 5/26/21 -> Sewer Use Regulations
  • Water Rules & Regulations were updated and adopted; effective 5/26/21. -> Water Rules & Regulations 
  • Proposed Sewer Rates Proposed, effective 7/16/21.  Public hearing will be held on July 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the Water Department office at 196 Chatham Road, Harwich MA 02645.
  • Water Rate Increase Proposed, effective 7/1/21.  Public hearing will be held on June 30, 2021 @ 1:00 p.m. at the Water Department office at 196 Chatham Road, Harwich MA 02645.  
  • Water Department Office, and Town Offices open tomorrow!  Water Department hours are M-F 8a-4:30p.  Please note that we will be closed on Friday 6/18/21 in observance of Juneteenth.  
  • Welcome to our newest members of the Water/Wastewater Commission; Noreen Donahue and John Gough!!
  • MANDATORY Water Restrictions - Please be advised that in response to the level 1 drought declaration and lower than average groundwater levels the Harwich Water Department has implemented mandatory odd/even watering schedule effective immediately.  Learn More -->USGS Chart
  • 2020 Consumer Confidence / Annual Water Quality Report is now available.
  • View News Feed Archive; 2020 and prior