Commissioners Meeting Minutes 12/04/2001

Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Jr., Clerk Gary Sinclair, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller, Secretary Carol Connor.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Gonsalves at 5:30PM.

A motion was made by Mr. Sinclair to approve the minutes of 11/20/01 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bates. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.

Service applications signed for:

10 Eagles Nest Road

4 Ninth Street

The Superintendent's report was given by Mr. Wiegand.

A meeting will be held with the Finance Committee soon to discuss the transfer of emergency funds for well #9.

The Board members had a discussion regarding the conflict with Brewster and the Cape Cod Commission regarding the ground water model for Captainis Golf Course. Harwich has been asked to either put a monitoring well in the golf course area, or submit pumping records. If a well is installed for this purpose Harwich should not have to pay for it. Mr. Sinclair asked if it would benefit the town to have a monitoring well in that area. Mr. Wiegand stated that we could monitor the drawdowns, and he will bring it up at the meeting he will be attending to discuss this proposal further.

Personnel action requests before the Board members: Neil Salzillo will move to secondary operator in treatment. This was approved. John McCarthy proposal to move to secondary operator in treatment. Mr. Sinclair made a motion to table this until the next meeting pending further research. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bates. Unanimous vote to approve the motion.

Board discussion regarding hiring a part time secretary. Mr. Sinclair stated that this will have to be brought up to the Town Administrator and go through the Finance Committee. It was decided to hold off for the time being.

Board discussion regarding flushing. It is now getting too cold at night and the roads could possibly freeze in the areas being flushed. Daytime flushing might be able to be continued for a while longer if necessary.

Meeting postponed at 5:50PM so board members could attend the Board of Health meeting at Town Hall at 6:30PM.

Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 12/04/01