Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller, and Secretary Carol Connor.
Meeting called to order at 8:30AM by Chairman Gonsalves.
Minutes of meeting on July 3, 2001, reviewed. Donald Bates made motion to approve. Seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.
Payroll schedules reviewed, approved and signed.
Service applications signed for # 9246, 9247, and 9248.
Appointment: Chris Kent of Metron-Farnier (meter company) made a presentation to the Board members. These meters can measure up to 98% accuracy, and keeps an accounting of previously unaccountable water. Meters are bronze and lead free. They can also work with radio read or touch pad systems. To replace the approximately 107 large meters in our system would cost about $117,000, including installation. Pay back could be obtained in 4-5 years by picking up previously unaccountable water usage. The cost to install the meters ourselves would be $20,000 less, but payback time would be extended.
He also presented graphs and charts showing accountable usage picked up after the new meters were installed and capturing water flow under 12 gallons per minute, which is a typical flow loss.
Old Business: Deborah Fuller gave an update on South Shore Generator and the construction of the wall. They will pay for all materials and stump grinder and the Water Department will try to get the Sheriffis Dept to build the wall at no cost to us.
The new reading guns have been installed and E. J. Prescott Co. will be here to work with our men for reading in August.
The results of the chemical and supply bids were reviewed. Danette Gonsalves made a motion to accept the Borden & Remington bid for chemicals. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve. Another motion was made by Danette Gonsalves to accept the low bidders on the supply bids with the exception of the meters. (We need to check with the actual low bidder to see if the guns can be changed to read other meters.) Seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.
New Business: Pumping for this June is up 10 million gallons from last June. The town is growing rapidly and the pumping demands are high.
Abatements signed for services #9126 and #8879.
Letter reviewed from Massamont Insurance Agency re: Guyon claim rejection.
Letter of interest received from Leo Cakounes regarding his interest in serving as a water commissioner.
Operator applications -6 received so far - 1 from Sagamore (could be response problems during heavy traffic) - 1 from EarthTech - 1 with oil experience - 1 with steam experience - 1 former plumbing supply parts person - 1 production and shipping person. Appointments will be set up by Deborah Fuller for interviews to be conducted by the Board and Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon.
Discussion re: irrigation systems. Bob OiDonnell (plumbing inspector) explained that permits are not necessary for irrigation systems so he does not see many applications. In Florida they are limiting any watering even from private wells, so this is not just a local problem. He would like to see a meeting between the towns. Plumbing inspectors, water departments, and irrigation companies to discuss pros and cons.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15AM.
Danette Gonsalves
Deborah A. Fuller
Donald T. Bates
Carol M. Connor