Commissioners Meeting Minutes 11/20/2001

Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates Jr., Clerk Gary Sinclair, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller, Secretary Carol Connor

The meeting called to order at 5:30 PM by Chairman Gonsalves.

Leo Yuskus of Haley and Ward was present and addressed the proposed site for the new water tower on property the Water Department recently purchased adjacent to Route 6. Mr. Yuskus stated there are two years of permitting involved in the building process, and trying to procure either additional or different property could add at least 1 to 2 years more. Any additional elevations in the tank would mean additional costs. Mr. Yuskus suggested obtaining aerial photographs of the site and mapping out the 2 ft. contours. Mr. Yuskus also suggested having an informational meeting for the voters prior to town meeting. A hydropillar type of tank is a multifunctional structure. Some tanks even have offices in the column section according to Mr. Yuskus. Mr. Sinclair asked what Mr. Yuskusi opinion was regarding cellular antennas on towers. Mr. Yuskus responded, putting cellular antennas on a water tower adds to the cost of painting or maintenance. The removal of the antenna equipment would also need to be taken into consideration when writing the contract. The Selectmen also should agree to set aside a certain amount of monies for yearly tank maintenance. Cellular antennas are not in the best interest of the town, one of the reasons being that contracts can be terminated with only a 90 day notice.

In a discussion of the Route 39 tank, Mr. Yuskus said the rods are showing signs of degeneration along with the finial, handholds, etc., and these things all need to be considered soon. The immediate costs for partial repairs could be up around $55,000. The tank should be inspected again in 3 years for an update for when repairs are to be needed. Per Mr. Yuskus, anything over a 30% metal loss is a problem. All repairs including painting could cost approximately $765,000 if held for 3 years. There should be another dive inspection done in about a year for more determination, and the cost for that would be approximately $3,000.

The Lothrop Avenue tank was also discussed. Partial repairs were done three years ago. The underside of the catwalk and westerly wall now need attention. Some monies should be spent to repair the tank at this time.

Mr. Wiegand would like to use channel 18 to inform the voters of the functions of the department, what is needed, and what the Water Department plans are.

Minutes of 11/06/01 were reviewed. Mr. Sinclair questioned the application for Derby Lane. Mrs. Fuller stated that this was her error in putting the agenda together. Derby Lane should be removed from the service applications. Mr. Sinclair questioned the easement on Derby Lane, and feels it needs more explanation. Mr. Sinclair strongly suggested that the water service at the Highway Dept. maintenance barn be done with Water Dept. personnel present as neither Mr. Cook nor Mr. Scichilone are present employees of the Water Department and therefore not authorized to work on the service. Mr. Sinclair questioned the reimbursement to Mrs. Pam Mason for a plumbing bill and asked what valves were operated, and the amount of the invoice. Mr. Sinclair questioned what steps the department was taking regarding Chaves Construction and his failure to respond to the Sumner & Dunbar request for payment, and the request to complete the contract by using Infrared on two hot top patches on Route 28. Mr. Sinclair also questioned what repairs are needed at well #9. The approval of the minutes was tabled until corrections are made.

Bill schedule n Mr. Sinclair questioned whether or not the Kraul Ind. invoice for work caused by the lightening strike should have been submitted for payment at this time. Mrs. Fuller stated that she was instructed by the Town Accountant to submit the lightening damage invoices for payment now and our budget would be reimbursed when the Town received the insurance check.

Discussion re: Fratus property on Easy Street. No application for water was ever received.

Mr. Wiegand gave a review of the contracts for Pleasant Street and Allen Street. They should be ready to be awarded by mid March.

Hydrant repairs were discussed. The Fire Chief has requested that 4 hydrants on Parallel Street be repaired as they are on the system without gate valves. The cost to replace these hydrants could be up to $2,700 per hydrant.

Mr. Sinclair questioned why an emergency transfer is being asked for from the Finance Committee. Can the money be taken from a maintenance line item? If done that way it would leave the Department with no other repair funds. The money in the water main fund is already committed. In the future, it should not be specified whether funds in articles are for wells or tanks. Mr. Wiegand will set up an appointment with the Finance Committee through the Town Administrator. .

In a discussion regarding the classification and compensation study, it was determined by Mr. Wiegand that the Water Superintendentis rating as outlined in the study should be approached at a later date. Mr. Sinclair asked to be notified if any meetings were scheduled for the Selectmen to discuss the study. Mr. Wiegand reported that a meeting was held with Northern Data Service, the billing software company. They will be ready to update the software before the end of November, at which time the problems we have been experiencing should be solved. Mr. Wiegand stated that he informed the company that if the software is not corrected, the issue will be sent to Town Counsel for further action. Mr. Wiegand also met with Al Clifford of E. J. Prescott and told him to pick up their meters. The Department will go back to using the Schlumberger meters

Service installer 6 month review: Crowell Construction n Mr. Cahoon feels this company should not be on the list. Mr. Cahoon stated that the workmanship for the water installation work at the elementary school is the worst he has seen in 46 years. Mr. Cahoon also stated that 4 repair clamps were used on the water main. Miranda Construction n Mr. Cahoon feels this company should not be on the list. Mr. Miranda does not turn in tie sheets, nor does he respond when called. He does not notify the Department of when and where he is installing water services in the Town. His machinery also has had hydraulic leaks in the past A motion was made by Mr. Bates to remove both of the above installers from the departmentis approved installers list. Mr. Sinclair seconded the motion... Mrs. Gonsalves abstained from voting.

The Superintendentis report was given by Mr. Wiegand. South Shore Generator will be sending a technician from the plant to try to figure out the problems with the new generator. This should take place prior to the end of the month. Mr. Wiegand suggested all the wells be inspected so the necessity of repairs can be prioritized This should also include wells 1, 2, and 3 at the main station. The Highway Department will be taking the CD truck for use at the transfer station. A memo will be sent to the Town Administrator explaining the uses needed for another vehicle. DEP would like to see the chlorination continued, and Mr. Wiegand agrees due to the use of KOH in the system. The Board members agreed that chlorination should continue if it would prevent a bacteria hit. Mr. Wiegand stated that the department had a few months before a definite decision had to be made.

On 12/04/01 @ 6:30PM there will be a goals meeting requested by Paula Champagne of the Board of Health.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM.

Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Jr. Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 11/20/01