Members Present: Chairman Anne Smith, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Acting Superintendent Deborah A. Fuller, Secretary Carol Connor
Meeting called to order at 8:45 AM.
MINUTES: The minutes of February 12, 2001 were approved unanimously per a motion by Danette Gonsalves, and a second by Donald Bates.
Bills payable and payroll schedules reviewed and unanimously approved per motion by Danette Gonsalves. Seconded by Donald Bates.
New service applications signed. Discussion re: 206-208 Bank Street (original services #17 and #17A installed in 1939). Were installed as one service with a tee and should be two individual meters and service lines (lines can be in the same trench). We need copies of the septic plan. This can be treated as a renewal. No site subdivisions presented.
OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Route 28 water main project update of bid results reviewed. Apparent low bidder is Chaves Enterprises of Ludlow, MA. Still waiting for paperwork from Bob Yarsites.
NEW BUSINESS: DEP annual statistical report was completed and mailed and is due on Wednesday, February 28, 2001. DEP Tier II report on hazardous materials will be going out today.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Financial report given by Deborah Fuller. Approximately $130,000 left in the budget so financial tightening is in order for the balance of the fiscal year. Water main line item decreased by $5,000 in the budget by Selectmen at their last meeting.
List of licenses for all employees is now on record and was reviewed by the Board and the steps explained. The Department is classified by the State as a 3D and 1T.
Miscellaneous bulletins, newsletters and legal notices reviewed by Board.
Next meeting: March 05, 2001
Upcoming meeting: March 19, 2001
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM.
Anne M. Smith
Deborah A. Fuller
Donald T. Bates
Carol M. Connor
Danette Gonsalves