Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller, and Secretary Carol Connor.
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM.
A motion to approve the minutes of budget meeting on 10/30/01 was made by Mr. Bates. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
The Board members present reviewed, approved, and signed the bills.
The commitment for abatements for the period ending 08/15/01 was signed. An abatement for service #9241 was signed.
Mrs. Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes of 10/17/01 as written. Mr. Bates seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
Service applications were signed as presented for:
1) 48 Bog Lane
2) 183 Oak Street
3) 209 Queen Anne Road
4) 119 Sequattom Road (9th St.)
5) 9 James Road
6) 7 Bassett Woods Road
7) 14 Rose Lane
8) 1667 Route 39
9) Derby Lane
Site subdivisions were reviewed for: Spault/Hoyt Road
Mid-Cape Storage/Queen Anne Road
Division of Highways & Maintenance/Queen Anne Road
Squantum Path
Per Mr. Cahoon, the Highway Department will be using our tractor, and tapping machine to do the water service installation at the new Highway Maintenance Barn in accordance with Water Department specifications and inspections. The work will be done by James Cook (former Water Superintendent of Provincetown), along with Peter Scichilone (former Water Dept. employee). Both are informed on the installation. With regard to Squantum Path, the developer will have to extend the water main as it is a private road. Discussion regarding the property of Ted Nelson at 1667 Route 39, the house was moved back due to a dangerous curve. He will keep the old service for a barn and if the service fee could be waived it would be beneficial to the Water Department not to have to cut and patch the road. Mr. Cahoon brought up the Golf Course project and that the fee for this project also needs to be waived as it is a Town project. Mr. Bates made a motion to approve the fee waivers for Mr. Nelson, and both the Division of Highways and the Golf Course projects as they are town accounts. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
An easement is between two houses serving property in the rear on Derby Lane. A temporary water service can be installed within the easement now, but if the land is further developed a main will have to be installed.
Old Business: Discussion regarding a request for reimbursement of a plumbing invoice from Mrs. Mason on Route 28. The Water Department operated the valves that caused the problem with the fixtures in her house. Mr. Bates made a motion to pay her plumbing bill. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
Chaves Construction is still in arrears with Sumner & Dunbar for $11,000, and the Water Department has not heard from the company regarding the infrared bonding.
Discussion regarding inspectors on water mains. Should the Water Department collect a deposit and pay the inspector directly from the deposit. Mr. Wiegand stated that the Department should have its own inspector on the jobs and bill it to the contractor. This will need further discussion.
Well #9 will need approximately $20,000 for repairs. The Department needs to get more quotes on cleaning and repairs from R. H. White and R. E. Chapman.
The Superintendentis report was read by Mrs. Fuller. Her letter to Northern Data Service (the billing software company) regarding problems with the billing system was read also. NDS is not the system for this office. Mr. Wiegand wants a meeting set up with E. J. Prescott and NDS regarding the billing software and reading gun problems. Mrs. Gonsalves also wants a letter written to NDS telling them we want our money back as the system has not performed as represented. The Department has been iheld hostagei over a system that does not work long enough.
Mr. Bates made a motion to approve the minutes of 10/02/01 as corrected, and the minutes of 10/16/01. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
DEP letter of non-compliance and return to compliance read by the Board members. Per Superintendent Wiegand the chlorinating will continue to prevent any future problems.
A motion was made by Mr. Bates to approve Daniel Hanley's longevity bonus based on the evaluations received from Mr. Cahoon and Mrs. Fuller. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
The Board members present discussed an award to be given to Anne Smith thanking her for her long service to the Town of Harwich. This needs to be discussed further as to when and where, and if it should occur at Town Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:38 PM.
Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Jr. Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary