Harwich Water Department
Meeting held on September 10, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Present: Chairman Allin Thompson, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk Donald Bates, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Minute Taker.
Chairman Allin Thompson called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
Vice Chairman Gonsalves moved to approve the minutes from August 13th 2013. Clerk Bates seconded. 3-0-0.
Gonsalves made a motion to remove 9 Harold St from the consent agenda. Chairman Thompson seconded. 3-0-0
Thompson moved to approve the abatement for 9 Harold St. Gonsalves seconded. 3-0-0.
Gonsalves moved to deny consent agenda for 8 Gorham Rd. Bates seconded. 3-0-0.
Terry Canavan of the Sea Sound Condo Association met with the Board to request the property be allowed to enroll all three condo units in the Service Tight Protection Plan. Since the Plan excludes condominiums, the Board took her request under advisement until more information is gleaned. Superintendent Wiegand mentioned that if three new water services were installed, than it might become an option with the property. Wiegand will gather cost information for the Board.
The inter-municipal agreement has been officially approved and signed by the Brewster and Harwich Boards of Selectmen. As agreed, Brewster will bill us for the usage and then our Department will bill the customer. This arrangement was put in place for the sake of the lien process if needed.
Since the AT&T contract was late in arriving to the BOWC, it has been postponed until the next meeting.
Wiegand reported that he is still waiting for the Cape Net contract.
Wiegand was approached by a Peter Hughes with the accusation that Office Assistant Tracey Alves was hired prior to deadline. Wiegand explained that the decision was not made until two days after the deadline and interview process.
Wiegand sent an email to Highway Director Lincoln Hooper and Interim Town Administrator Robert Lawton concerning a meeting between National Grid and the BOWC. Harwich Town Council suggested that a charge of $75 be put in place for utility mark outs. Further discussion will be needed between the two entities. Wiegand also mentioned the necessity of curb to curb overlay by National Grid when working on road projects in Harwich.
Gonsalves moved to accept the revised mark out violation policy. Thompson seconded. 3-0-0.
Gonsalves moved to accept the revised utility mark out policy. Bates seconded. 3-0-0.
Wiegand discussed how the Board of Selectmen has a fourteen day period to overturn a hiring decision. The interim Town Administrator would like to abolish this policy. Wiegand also informed the Board that the BOS waived the fourteen day decision for the hiring of Alves.
Billing Administrator Marsh gave the Board an update of water billing and inserts.
Wiegand provided the Board with pricing for soffits for Department buildings. The quotes ranged from $17,000 to $33,000. After this project is complete, Wiegand said the buildings will be in great shape.
Wiegand expressed his concerns over the condition of roads and how they are damaging the trucks in the fleet. He obtained price quotes of $17,000 and $23,000 for blacktopping. He will obtain one more quote. He mentioned that blacktop would be used because of DEP concerns.
Wiegand informed the Board that one new truck arrived last week, and another is expected shortly.
Discussion was had regarding the purchase of a snow plow. Thompson proposed that Wiegand contact the Highway Department to see if both Departments can work together.
Wiegand mentioned that summer pumping was mixed. He said that July was a hot month, but June was very wet.
Gonsalves inquired about theft of metal from the property. Wiegand said that he is unlikely to hear anything further about it.
The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24th, 2013.
Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 a.m. Bates seconded. 3-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Allin P. Thompson, Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Wellesley Marsh, Minute Taker