Commissioners Meeting Minutes 07/30/13

Harwich Water Department


Meeting held on July 30, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.

Present:  Chairman Allin Thompson, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves , Clerk Donald Bates, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Office Assistant Anna Brigham and Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh. Also in attendance was Selectman Larry Ballantine.

Chairman Allin Thompson called the meeting to order at 8:19 a.m. 

Clerk Donald Bates moved to approve the minutes from previous meeting.  Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves seconded.  All in favor.

Selectman Larry Ballantine discussed the article he read regarding 800 million people in the world are without drinkable water.  That’s difficult to accept given what we have here.

Old Business

Superintendent Wiegand discussed the Inter municipal Agreement with Brewster.  The agreement went to the Selectmen for signatures.  The resident who was in desperate need for water connection has been connected.  Board will have a chance to review.

Superintendent Wiegand is still looking into price for fiber optics from Open Cape. 

New Business

Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh discussed the changes in billing.  Superintendent Wiegand reminded the Board that we used to have 3 cycles, took 12 weeks and 6 guys to read for billing.  Now it takes 3-4 guys, 2 weeks and 2 cycles.  Eventually we will be at one cycle and read the entire town.  Eventually it will take one guy.  When we move towards more electronic billing, the cost for postage will become lower.  Postage runs about $3800 per billing.  Chairman Allin Thompson stated that Orleans bills quarterly.  Monthly billing is easier for the customer, but expensive for the department.  Incentives were discussed.  Selectman Ballantine stated that some companies shame the customer into electronic billing.  Superintendent Wiegand suggested putting testimonials on the website.  Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh stated the read start date is the end of August.  Superintendent Wiegand stated we’re changing out meters to radio reads 400-500 every couple of months but it’ll be another year before we change out all the old meters.

Backflow Prevention test was discussed.  Bid was awarded to Water Safety Services (WSS).  Our charge is higher than what the company will charge.  Should we adjust lower?  Canco used to charge $65, we charged $70.  WSS is charging $39 to test, and will not charge the town accounts.  Superintendent Wiegand is reluctant to reduce our charge.  He suggested we revisit this issue after the first of the year.  WSS does not charge for re-testing.  Both Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh and Comptroller Sandra Cummings were impressed after they met with WSS. 

Chairman Allin Thompson discussed the fertilizer guidelines cards to be included in the fall bill.  The cards are created by Pleasant Bay Alliance.  Chairman Allin Thompson likes the idea of the insert and feels it will be valuable information for the residents.  The extra charge would be about $500 for the additional tri-fold insert.  Guidelines will be posted on our website.  Money will be taken from the educational funds.  Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh will have a price by next meeting. 

Superintendent Wiegand discussed contract engineering agreement for the Lothrop tank.  We have $100,000 set aside for engineering. Superintendent Wiegand requested the members to sign the contract.  Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves moved to award Hayley and Ward the bid not to exceed $60,000.  Clerk Donald Bates seconded.  All in favor. 

Superintendent Wiegand discussed Site 10.  The Highway Department helped our department quite a bit with the required site work.   He recommended drafting a letter thanking the Highway Department for their assistance.  Next step will be hiring a bulldozer to level site.  Discussed the bids we received with Barrows being the lowest bidder.  Superintendent Wiegand would like to award the contract to Barrows and the Board agreed.  Bid will be awarded late September with October scheduled for the pouring of the foundation.  Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves moved to award the bulldozer bid to Barrows.  Clerk Donald Bates seconded.  All in favor.  Superintendent Wiegand discussed the “124” project working with Highway.  Locations and depths of pipes are not consistent throughout the town.  With the new mains and valves installations, the Superintendent would like to invest into a GPS unit.    Other departments could use it too.  Price for the new unit is $16,407.89.  Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves moved to purchase the new GPS unit.  Clerk Donald Bates seconded .  All in favor. 

Union negotiations are still on-going.

National Grid matter was discussed.  We will be setting up another meeting and waiting for an update. 

Chairman Allin Thompson presented a promotional booklet from Chatham called “Blue Pages”.  Other communities have also created Blue Pages and Harwich should consider doing one too. It was decided that we would shoot for creating one for next year. 

Selectman Larry Ballantine discussed the job of town administrator offered to Bonnie Therien.  She turned the offer down and decided to take a position in Missouri.   Bob Lawton is serving as a temporary Town Administrator but will only be here for a few months at most.   Selectman Larry Ballantine discussed the positives and negatives of the process.    

The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2013.

Vice Chairman Gonsalves moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 a.m. and seconded. 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Allin P. Thompson, Chairman

Craig Wiegand, Superintendent

Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman                                  

Anna Brigham, Board Secretary

Donald T. Bates, Clerk                                

posted: 10/07/13