Harwich Water Department
Meeting held on June 25, 2013 at 8:15 a.m.
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Office Assistant Anna Brigham and Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh. Also in attendance was Selectman Larry Ballantine.
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the meeting held on June 11, 2013 were discussed and approved with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves and seconded by V ice Chairman Thompson 3-0-0. Minutes were signed.
Old Business
Superintendent Craig Wiegand discussed Inter municipal Agreement. The Agreement is still being reviewed at Town Hall. Town Council had a couple of minor issues and it will be coming to the Commissioners soon for their review. One resident who had a failed system is already hooked up to the Brewster water system.
National Grid meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, June 26th 10:00 am at Town Hall. Town Counsel will be there. Superintendent Wiegand discussed the issues that National Grid had with the City of Newton. Newton complained about maintenance issues. The Courts allowed Newton to charge National Grid for Administrative fees. Our costs for markouts are $73 but we only charge $25 per markout.
New Business
Bid awards were presented by Superintendent Wiegand. Border & Remington was awarded the Chemicals Bid. 4 bids were received for the Waterworks contract of which Ferguson was the lowest bidder. Superintendent is calling references on the Backflow bidding companies due to the broad differences in bids. This will be placed on the next BOWC agenda. Bid extensions will also be discussed further at the next Commissioner’s meeting.
Restructuring the Committee was discussed. It was decided that Allin Thompson will act as Chair, Dannette Gonsalves will act as Vice Chair and Donald Bates will fill the Clerk position. All in favor.
80 Queen Anne Road customer matter was discussed. Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh reviewed the history of this customer. Payment plans were offered but the customer did not follow through with arrangement. The Customer had no intention of paying the bill at first. Later, the Customer sought assistance from the Chase fund. Superintendent Wiegand stated that the department does everything possible to help the customer pay the outstanding balance. It was suggested that we meet with Kevin over at the Council on Aging to discuss matters such as this. This particular customer has been liened several times. Selectman Ballantine will meet with Kevin at the Council on Aging to bring him up to speed on matters such as this. This will be put on hold until we hear back from Selectman Ballantine.
Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh updated the Commissioners on our Delinquent Accounts. Process was reviewed. This year has seen an increase from previous years. We have sent out 63 letters of termination. Of the 63, 49 have paid. The remainder got Shut Off cards. As of this date, one remains shut off. The rest have either paid the entire amount or entered into payment plans. Shut Off cards for “No Access” are being hung today. Service Tight Brochures will be on display at the Community Center. The former Friendlies account was discussed. Friendly’s filed bankruptcy and left us with a $10,000 balance. The tenant who rented the restaurant left us with a $6,000 balance. We are researching the company and will lien the property. We will proceed accordingly.
Superintendent Wiegand discussed the lease agreement with AT&T. He would like Commissioner’s to review it before it is submitted to Selectmen. Town Counsel has already reviewed. Do the Commissioner’s want to enter into any more of these lease arrangements? There is a potential for 4-5 more in the future. Cell coverage in town was discussed. Superintendent Wiegand would like permission to get a price to bring fiber optics to this location from Cape Net. It would be placed on poles. We are also looking into camera at our locations too.
Selectman Larry Ballantine discussed the wastewater plan with the town of Chatham.
The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013. The Board will go into Executive Session at 9:00.
Chairman Donald Bates moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 a.m. and seconded. 3-0-0.