Commissioners Meeting Minutes 06/18/2001

Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk Anne M. Smith, Acting Superintendent Deborah A. Fuller, Secretary Carol M. Connor

Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by Chairman Gonsalves.

Minutes of previous meeting approved per motion by Danette Gonsalves, Seconded by Anne Smith. Unanimous vote to approve motion.

Bills and payroll schedules reviewed and signed.

Abatements signed.

Review of 2 lot subdivision for Raneo on Queen Anne Road (near bike path). Water service will be allowed for second lot. If rear lot is further subdivided an 8i water main and hydrants will be required.

Discussion re: rules and regulations and requirements that will be necessary for any subdivisions over 2 lots. A meeting needs to be held for further discussion.

OLD BUSINESS: Route 28 water main installation project will have a 4-1/2 ft. hydrant instead of a 5-1/2 ft. one at Old County Road and Route 28. The work performed is satisfactory.

Irrigation system moratorium - this will need an article to go before town meeting. The Town Departments will need to be brought into compliance as well as the private citizens.

NEW BUSINESS: Channel 18 program "Community Journal" had Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller on as a guest to discuss the water conservation program and the different jobs done here are the Water Department. The program was very well done.

South Shore Generator update: they want us to pay for the wall required. Acting Superintendent Fuller said we will not pay as they should know the rules and what was required for installation of the generator. They need to honor their contract, as they are responsible. They are estimating the cost at approximately $1,500.00.

Lightening damage - last week's storms did some minimal damage to the stations in back but they are on line.

May pump records were reviewed.

CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from the Assistant Town Administrator regarding moving the Minuteman encampment scheduled for July to behind the high school due to a conflict of scheduling. We will provide the "water buffalo" for them to use for water.

The consumer confidence report is done. One page was done upside down but is okay when folded.

Next meeting will be held on July 3, 2001.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM.

Danette Gonsalves
Deborah A. Fuller
Anne M. Smith
Carol M. Connor
Donald T. Bates, Jr.

posted: 06/18/01