Commissioners meeting minutes 06/11/13

Harwich WaterDepartment BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Meeting held on June 11 , 2013 at 8:16a.m.


Present:   Chairman  Donald  Bates, Vice Chairman  Allin Thompson, Clerk  Danette  Gonsalves, Superintendent Crai g Wiegand, Comptroller Sandra  Cumm ings, Office  Assistant Anna Brigham  and Billing  Administrator Wellesley Marsh.   Also in attendance was Selectman  Angelo LaMantia.


Chairman Donald  Bates called  the meeting  to order at 8:16 a.m.


The minutes for the meeting  held on May 28, 20 1 3 were approved  with a mot ion  by Vice Chairman Thompson and seconded by Clerk  Gonsalves; 3-0-0. Minutes were signed.


Consent Agenda

Office  received  one request  for abatement. Billing Administrator Wellesley  Marsh explained  that it was handled administratively. Vice Chairman Allin Thompson  moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded. All in Favor: 3-0-0.


Old Business

Superintendent Crai g Wiegand  discussed lntermunicipal Agreement. The Agreement is currently being reviewed  at Town  Hall.  The Agreement will come to the Commissioners for final review shortly.




National  Grid meeting  i s scheduled for June 26 scheduled for 10:00. Town  Counsel  will be there. Location will be Town Hall


Abatement update gi ven by Clerk Danette Gonsalves.  Met with Comptroller Sandra  Cumm ings and reviewed how other towns  handle  their abatement matters.    Superintendent Craig  Wiegand  spoke with other superintendents and t hey seem to be having the same issues as we are.  Vice Chairman Allin Thompson stated that h e appreciates that we black out the names of the applicants so they remain anonymous. The Town of Fa lmouth doesn't accept any abatement requests.   Prov incetown wi ll i ssue an adjustment only after a plum ber certifies  the leak has been fixed.  Board discussed  our policy.  C ustomers can a lways appeal to the State if their abatements are den ied here but they don't seem to be doing  it.  State seems to approve most of the appeals they review.


Late fee's were discussed. It was clarifi ed that the staff can wa ive a late fee only once for legitimate reasons for a resident  who has a hi story of paying  their bills in a timely  manner.   Su perintendent Weigand  discussed liens. The staff spends a lot of time with customers through  the process only to be denied at the commissioners meeting.   Shut off procedures were discussed. We gi ve customers  an opportu nity to pay by a payment  plan.  At the time of Shut Off, these customers have had an outstanding balance  for years. The office provides a list of agencies that may be able to help wi th a water bill for people in need.   We have recently  li ened 107 customers,  out of those, 50-75 are repeats.  Billing  Adm inistrator Wellesley Marsh d i scussed pa yment plans and that we require 50% deposit. Selectman  Angel o LaMantia suggested we tal k to the Cou n cil on Aging about residents that arereally stressed.  Oth er options were discu ssed. Can we limit the number of gallons for customers who cannot pay their water bill but still allow them water as a necessity but not for irrigation?  During shut offs, we end up collecting about 90% of what's owed.  We hung 12 Shut Off cards and all but one are still on.  They either paid in full or are on a plan. Next meeting we will discuss li ens.


New Business

National Grid Markout draft  po licy was discussed. Vi ce Chairman  Allin Thompson moved to approve  t h e policy effective immed iatel y. C lerk Danette Gonsa l ves seconded. All in favor.

Superintendent Craig Wiegand  stated that t his new policy will si mplify the process  and will be for a ll utility companies.


Local  Rate study  was reviewed.  Harwich  fall s second to lowest  in the stu dy.  Comptroller Sandra Cummings w ill gather some cost per billing numbers.   Billing quarterly  might make sense but shou ld be revi ewed.   We w ill read mont hly to catch  large leaks.


Superintendent Crai g Wiegand  gave a brief update on theft of the old meters from the back of the property  earlier  in the week.  Loss was approxi mately $5,000. Apparently the thieves drove down the power line access  road.  The storage  oft h e meters has since been relocated.


The next Board meeting  will be held on Tuesday,  June 25,2013. The Board wi ll di scuss  restructuring the committee next meeting.


C hairman Donald Bates moved  to adjourn  the meeting at 9:19a.m. and seconded. 3-0-0.

BOWC 6-11-13.pdf

posted: 06/26/13