Harwich Water Department BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Meeting held on May 14,201 3 at 8:15a.m.
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Comptroller Sandra Cumm ings, Office Assistant/secretary Anna Brigham and Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh. Also in attendance was Selectman Angelo LaMantia.
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the meeting held on Apri l 23, 2013 were approved with a motion by C lerk Gonsa l ves and seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0. Mi nutes were signed.
Board discussed New Business, Abatements. Can the staff give a onetime forgiveness on a late fee if the reason is tru ly legitimate and the customer is in good stand ing? Board agreed. Clerk Danette Gonsalves made a motion, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson seconded, to allow staff to give customer one time forgiveness of a late fee if it's reasonable. Al l in favor.
Superintendent Craig Wiegand discussed Provincetown. Plumber has to certify that the leak is fixed and then the Board cou ld vote on an abatement. Superintendent Craig Wiegand reminded the Board that the Customer has the right to appeal the Board's decision to the State. The State usually approves them but it's a costly process.
Clerk Danette Gonsal ves voted to approve, Chairman Donald Bates seconded the Consent Agenda to deny abatement requests. Al l in favor. Under the Rules and Regulations, i f the water goes through the meter, it's the customers' responsibility.
Angelo discussed a possible Water Leaking Program for residences. Channel 18 wou ld be a good place to educate customers about the process and avoiding high costs of l eaks.
Board discussed Old Business. Superintendent Craig Wiegand d iscussed changes to the inter municipal agreement between Brewster and Harwich for water main access is sti ll pending. A decision has not yet been received from Brewster. Decision will come to the Board, then to Selectmen for approval.
Superi ntendent Wiegand reported that National Grid meeting is posted for tomorrow (Wednesday) at I 0:00 at Town Hall. Board d i scussed fee for markouts. Fee should be National Grids responsibi li ty.
Board discussed seasonal turn on/off accounts. It was suggested that we send a letter with information about the department process and request an email address. We would then email blast remi nders. It will save time, money and aggravation. Key boxes are saving department money. Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh described the turn on/off process to the Board.
Board discussed seasonal employees. State has an issue with job descripti on. State is insisting that we have to prove that the open position cannot be filled by a regular employee. It's the State's way to make the Town pay for healt h insurance and Unemployment. Department has put together information and back up packages and sent to the State.
Flushing wi ll wrap u p in two weeks. Department has received very few complaints about water quality due to flushing. Water quality in general is improving.
Board discussed Town Meeting. Vice Chairman Allin Thompson stated that it seemed as though interest is lower. A ngelo agreed that attendance was low. Angelo stated that the future of town meeting might go to district representatives.
Website has a Thank You to the community for their support after the Town Meeting approvals of articles.
Vice Chairman Alli n Thompson discussed new installer package. Board voted to table the discussion unti l later.
Board continued discussing monitoring water usage from meters and water conservat ion measures. Department installs E-Coders when there is a pro blem.
Thompson reminded the Board of the next Union Representatives meeting on May 23rd, 2013. The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 201 3.
Clerk Gonsalves moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 a.m. and seconded. 3-0-0.