Harwich Water Department BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Meeting held on April23, 2013 at 8:15a.m.
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Recorder of Minutes and Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh.
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the meeting held on April2, 2013 were approved with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves and seconded by Chairman Bates; 3-0-0.
Vehicle leases and interest rates were discussed in relation to the replacement of one of the dump trucks in the fleet. There was also some discussion relating to the language of the article for funding.
The inter-municipal agreement between Brewster and Harwich for water main access is still pending. A decision has not yet been received from Brewster.
Superintendent Wiegand reported that National Grid had to reschedule the meeting again regarding mark outs and the outstanding balance for services rendered by the Department.
Billing Administrator Marsh provided the Board with a billing update and reported that there is a marked increase with Service Tight Protection Plan registrants since the redesign of the water bill.
Comptroller Cummings provided the Board with an update for the Elements software program. Two training sessions were held by office staff, and it was mentioned by Wiegand that all Town Departments could eventually use the program for greater efficiency and communications.
Superintendent Wiegand announced to the Board that the Department received another State Drinking Water Award. Wiegand discussed the possibility of having a day of appreciation for staff.
Wiegand reported that the iron levels at site 10 are slightly elevated. After using an experimental device designed by Roberts Filters, the iron levels registered at zero. Wiegand will contact DEP regarding the potential use of the device at site 10 and at the Cahoon Treatment Plant and the
$18,000 testing fee if the device is approved. He also said that the device could potentially reduce the amount of chemicals needed for treatment.
Wiegand also reported that spring flushing has reduced, and that a hydrant was hit by a car on Route124. The accident caused damage to water equipment and to the cranberry bog. The hydrant will need to be moved at the expense of the insured operator.
Wiegand confirmed that the cellular equipment on the Rt. 39 tank will be painted gray to match. Vice Chair Thompson broached the topic of the Oak Street Extension Habitat for Humanity project.
Wiegand stated that the property owner will be responsible for the cost of the water main extension.
Thompson also reminded the Board of the next Union Representatives meeting on May 23rd, 2013. The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.
Clerk Gonsalves moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:56a.m. and Chairman Bates seconded the motion; 3-0-0.