Commissioners Meeting Minutes 04/02/13


Water Department BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS  Meeting on April2, 2013


Present:  Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent  Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, and Selectman Angelo LaMantia. Also present, Anna Brigham.


Chairman  Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.


The minutes for the previous meeting held on March 19, 2013 were approved with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves; seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson 3 -0-0.
Old Business.
Superintendent  Wiegand discussed the Lothrop Tanl<. Project must get vote at town meeting. The Engineering and inspections are complete. Tank needs repairs. Earliest project could  begin would be after July 1st town meeting vote.


Vice Chairman Thompson gave an update on the dump truck matter. Spoke with Chuck and he recommends buying a new truck. Not practicable to repair old one.


Superintendent Wiegand discussed Vehicle Lease.  It is off the Capital Outlay Plan and will not come out of retained earnings.


Superintendent Wiegand discussed Inter municipal Agreement after local comments, now at Brewster Town Council for review.


Superintendent  Wiegand discussed the National Grid matter.  He has not heard back about meeting dates.  Secretary Bilek gave an update on projects. Neuco is considering paying the fee and charging National Grid.


New Business
Comptroller  Cummings presented Third Quarter Budget Report.  Revenues and expenditures are in line with last year. We will meet 106 % of projections.


Cell Tower was discussed. RFP bid results sent to Town Counsel. Two companies submitted.  Still waiting to hear from Town Administrator on how to process.


3rd Quarter adjustments were presented by Comptroller Cummings.Thompson moved to approve 3rd Quarter Internal Adjustments.  2nd by Gonsalves 3-0-0. Elements Update -Training will begin next Wednesday 4110.Site 10 testing will be completed Friday.  Results to be submitted to DEP and get site approval for Treatment Plant.  Architectural Plans are complete.  Additional testing at T2 to see if additional chemicals can be added.  Pulling at 98% looking to get other 2%.


Flushing began.  Amount of iron in the lines should start to subside in mains.
Contract negotiations were discussed. Vice Chairman Thompson waiting to hear back from Attorney. General discussion on wastewater treatment vs growth.Superintendent Wiegand asked for a Point of clarification regarding liasions on certain committees as they sit on boards. Looking for guidelines.


The Board will meet again on Tuesday, April23, 2013.

 BOWC 4-2-13.pdf


posted: 06/07/13