Harwich Water Department
Meeting on February 5, 2013
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Senior Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Selectman Angelo LaMantia,
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the previous meeting held on January 18, 2013 were approved with a motion by Vice Chairman Thompson and seconded by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
Consent Agenda:
Vice Chairman Thompson moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a second by Clerk Gonsalves: 3-0-0.
Superintendent Wiegand relayed the request from Town Planner Dave Spitz for the waiver of mark out fees for the installation of new signs along the bike trail. Vice Chairman Thompson moved to waive the mark out fees for the Bike Trail Committee with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
Mr. Wiegand is proposing an inter-municipal agreement between the Towns of Harwich and Brewster. He said Wayside Road is half in Harwich and half in Brewster. Mr. Wiegand said we do not have a water main at this location but Brewster does. He said an inter-municipal agreement is being drafted by Town Counsel allowing Brewster to furnish water to Harwich residents. Mr. Wiegand said once it is complete he will present it to the Board to review.
Mr. Wiegand apprised the Board about the process of notification of SRF Funding. He said the Department’s Engineers are confident that we will receive the funding of $1.9 million for the North Harwich Treatment Plant. Mr. Wiegand said we still have money from articles that will bring that down to $1.5 million, not including debt forgiveness. He said this will allows us to pay the $1.6 million in cash for the Lothrop Tank repairs. Comptroller Sandra Cummings said we will be holding a public hearing soon to approve the 5 ½ % rate increase. She said the Treatment Plant will be on the Warrant for the regular Town Meeting, but the Lothrop Tank will be on the Special Town Meeting.
Mr. Wiegand said they did a cost comparison for the electricity at the Bruce Cahoon Treatment Plant. He said we should consider putting solar panels up there to offset the cost. Mr. Wiegand said if we can bank money we can use it for water main replacement.
Mr. Wiegand said he has a request from T-Mobile to bring fiber optic cables to the Route 39 Tank to their equipment. He said if that is the case we would require that they put a drop in there for us. Mr. Wiegand said we are looking to run fiber up there this fall. He said as Open Cape expands we can tie fiber optic cables into all of our systems. Vice Chairman Thompson moved to approve T-Mobile’s request to bring fiber optic cables to their equipment at the Route 39 Tank with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
Mr. Wiegand said there is an RFP out for the lease of the land for the proposed cell tower at this location. He said the Department would get 25% for each carrier. Mr. Wiegand said the bid opening will be on February 28th.
The Board will meet again on Tuesday, February 26, 2013.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. with a motion by Chairman Bates and a second by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________ ____________________________
Donald T. Bates, Chairman Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
____________________________ ____________________________
Allin P. Thompson, Vice Chairman Alexandra Bilek, Secretary
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk
Commissioners Meeting Minutes 02/05/13 (pdf)