Harwich Water Department
Meeting on October 16, 2012
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Senior Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Angelo LaMantia
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the previous meeting held on September 25, 2012 were approved with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves and seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Superintendent Wiegand informed the Board that Town Counsel is reviewing AT&T’s proposal. He said he does not think there will be a Special Town Meeting for this Article. Mr. Wiegand said it will have to wait until the Spring Town Meeting.
Mr. Wiegand reviewed the budgeted FY14 equipment upgrades.
The Board reviewed the abatement request from Sally Pace of 11 Julia Court in regard to water usage. Upon review and discussion Clerk Gonsalves moved to deny the abatement request with a second by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
The Board reviewed the abatement request from Suzanne Shrout of 391 Route 28 in regard to water usage. Upon review and discussion Vice Chairman Thompson moved to deny the abatement request with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
The Board reviewed their abatement policy in an effort to keep it fair for all applicants. They discussed denying all abatements. Applicants have the option to petition the Appellate Board.
The Board reviewed the internal Water Department abatements. Clerk Gonsalves moved to accept the internal abatements in the amount of $5,924.42 with a second by Chairman Bates; 3-0-0.
The Board reviewed the1st quarter internal adjustments. Chairman Bates moved to accept the 1st quarter internal adjustments in the amount of $1,276.85 with a second from Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
The Board discussed the talking points for their meeting with the Board of Selectmen scheduled for next Monday.
Mr. Wiegand told the Board that Union negotiations are coming up. Vice Chairman Thompson requested copies of current contracts, salaries, step increases and longevity.
Comptroller Sandra Cummings gave an FY13 1st quarter budget update.
Mr. Wiegand said the DPW is going to be doing road repairs, and he would like to reline water mains in conjunction with this so we can save money on paving. The Board took this under advisement and will continue to discuss it.
The Board will meet again on Tuesday, October 30, 2012.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m. with a motion by Chairman Bates and a second by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________ ____________________________
Donald T. Bates, Chairman Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
____________________________ ____________________________
Allin P. Thompson, Vice Chairman Alexandra Bilek, Secretary
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk
Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10/16/12 (pdf)