Harwich Water Department
Meeting on September 25, 2012
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Senior Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Angelo LaMantia
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
The minutes for the previous meeting held on September 11, 2012 were approved with a motion by Vice Chairman Thompson and seconded by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
The Board reviewed the abatement request from Richard Kahn of 2 Panorama Point in regard to an excessive water bill. Upon review and discussion Clerk Gonsalves moved to deny the abatement request with a second by Chairman Bates; 3-0-0.
The Board reviewed the abatement request from Deborah Parr of 42 Blue Heron Landing in regard to a missed appointment fee. Upon review and discussion Vice Chairman Thompson moved to deny the abatement request with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.
Superintendent Wiegand informed the Board that he sent a letter to the Town Administrator requesting a Special Town Meeting for the AT&T cell tower. Mr. LaMantia said the Board of Selectmen received the request and are concerned about making a quorum. He said the Board of Selectmen doesn’t want the Department to lose money so they will be requesting the Board of Water Commissioners make a presentation at an upcoming meeting.
Senior Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh petitioned the Board on behalf of Patricia Dings of 38 Riverside Drive for a payment plan. Clerk Gonsalves moved to approve the payment plan request with a second by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Ms. Marsh provided the Board with a billing update.
Vice Chairman Thompson moved to award the following bids with a second from Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0:
Comptroller Sandra Cummings provided the Board with an FY12 budget closing report.
Mr. Wiegand let the Board know that Union negotiations will be coming up soon.
The Board will meet again on Tuesday, October 16, 2012.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 a.m. with a motion by Chairman Bates and a second by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________ ____________________________
Donald T. Bates, Chairman Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
____________________________ ____________________________
Allin P. Thompson, Vice Chairman Alexandra Bilek, Secretary
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk
Commissioners Meeting Minutes 09/25/12 (pdf )