Commissioners Meeting Minutes 07/24/12

Harwich Water Department


Meeting on July 24, 2012

Present:  Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Senior Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Paul Costello, Patrick Costello, Angelo LaMantia, Dan Bilezikian

Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.

The minutes for the previous meeting held on July 3, 2012 were approved with a motion by Vice Chairman Thompson and seconded by Clerk Gonsalves;  3-0-0.

The Board reviewed the abatement request from Sandra Compton of 18 Shannon Rd Rd in regard to a late fee.  Upon review and discussion Vice Chairman Thompson moved to approve the abatement request with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.

Engineer Paul Costello and Attorney Patrick Costello presented the Board with a revised copy of the draft Water-Sewer Study.  They reviewed the following topics:

  • Purpose
  • Rate Payer Accountability & Technical Competence
  • Optimizing Flexibility
  • Financial Implications
  • Ease of Implementation
  • Regulatory Considerations
  • Structural Options

Selectmen Angelo LaMantia suggested stretching the borrowing period to 30 years.  He said he would also like to see utilizing Chatham’s sewer plant and employees as an option.  Vice Chairman Thompson suggested bringing this presentation to the Board of Selectmen first then the Waste Water Implementation Committee.  Mr. LaMantia suggested having it vetted by the other committees first before bringing it to the Selectmen in an effort to discourage miscommunication.

Dan Bilezikian, Project Manager for SAI Communications, was in attendance representing AT&T Mobility.  He said they would like to put up a 150’monopole on the Chatham Road property as the water tanks are not viable options.  Mr. Bilezikian said they would like to issue an RFP for a long term lease.  He said the pole could accommodate up to 5 wireless providers.  Mr. Bilezikian said the Town could own the tower and the providers lease space. He said another option is to have AT&T front the money, build the tower, and have the cost come out of the rent.  The Board would like an approximate cost to construct this pole.

Superintendent Wiegand initiated discussion about the article in the Cape Cod Chronicle in regard to withdrawing the Treatment Plant Article from the Special Town Meeting.  He said the article portrayed the Department like idiots and, he is not sure where the Reporter got his facts from.  Mr. Wiegand clarified that the Department was asked by the Finance Committee and the Town Administrator to withdraw its article because they were  worried  asking the Town for too much money might adversely affect the vote on the new school.  He said he does all that he can to keep communication open between the Department and Town Hall, but does not know how to make it any better.  Selectman Angelo LaMantia offered his counsel if the Department is ever in need of it.

Mr. Wiegand informed the Board that Ferguson Waterworks was the low bidder for general waterworks supplies.  Vice Chairman Thompson moved to award the bid for general waterworks supplies for FY13 to Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $74,713.99 with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.  Mr. Wiegand informed the Board that while Univar was the low bidder for chemical supplies the Department has had serious problems with deliveries and safety in the past with them.  He is recommending the next lowest bidder Borden & Remington.  Vice Chairman Thompson moved to award the bid for chemical supplies for FY13 to Borden & Remington in the amount of $53,898.00 with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.  Mr. Wiegand informed the Board that Ti-Sales was on the only bidder for meters and remote readers.  Vice Chairman Thompson moved to award the bid for meters and remote readers for FY13 to Ti-Sales as presented with a second by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.

Mr. Wiegand asked the Board for their thoughts about use of sick time when it is due to an injury sustained on the job.  He feels that the employee should use their own sick time rather than Town time as is current policy.  Mr. Wiegand said if Workman’s Comp kicks in after 20 days then the employee gets their sick time back.  He said that according to Workman’s Comp the first 5 days are the employee’s responsibility.  Vice Chairman Thompson said in the private sector if you are hurt on the job sick time does not come into play.  The Board would like to know how other Departments handle it.

Comptroller Sandra Cummings presented the Board with a procurement update.  She said there are three items that are being put out to bid soon: Engineering, Information Technology and Backflow.  Mr. Wiegand said we are not required to go out for an RFP for Engineering, but he feels it is cleaner in the event of an audit.

Chairman Bates asked how pumpage has been.  Mr. Wiegand said we have been pumping 7 million gallons a day, and have pumped more this summer then last.  Chairman Bates asked if there was a need for restrictions.  Mr. Wiegand said not at this time, but we are in the process of installing new signs throughout town that will direct customers as to the watering status.

The Board will meet again on Tuesday, August 7, 2012.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m. with a motion Vice Chairman Thompson and seconded by Clerk Gonsalves; 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________                                   ____________________________

Donald T. Bates, Chairman                                                    Craig Wiegand, Superintendent                                  

____________________________                                   ____________________________

Allin P. Thompson, Vice Chairman                                       Alexandra Bilek, Secretary


Danette Gonsalves, Clerk            

Commissioners Meeting Minutes 07/24/12 (pdf)      

posted: 08/07/12