Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk Gary Sinclair, Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, and Secretary Carol M. Connor
Meeting called to order at 5:30PM by Chairman Gonsalves.
Motion by Gary Sinclair to accept the minutes of 8/21/01 with 2 minor spelling corrections. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Bills reviewed, approved and signed for payment.
Service applications signed for: 7 Marion Road, 5 Harding Lane, 16 Harold Street, 31 Old Carriage Drive, 9 Robert Road, and 19 Denise Lane.
Old/Unfinished business: Cell tower map received from Selectmen Luddy and Laffin, and was reviewed by Board members.
New Business: Letter from Bruce Cahoon regarding the Fratus property on East St., North Harwich, request for water. Questions raised as to how much land Mr. Fratus owns, if access is considered a road or a driveway, and if abutting land is actually town owned and whether it could possibly be used for affordable housing in the future. If only serving one lot then a 1" service could be allowed for one house with no further development. If further developed then a water main and fire hydrants will be required. Gary Sinclair made a motion to write a letter to Planning Board requesting further input and determinations as to the above questions before this Board renders a decision. Seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.
Discussion regarding how and when to go about selecting the new Superintendent. This item should be placed on the next meeting agenda to decide whether to hold separate meetings for the interviews and if we should do half one time and half another time. The applications that have been received need to be acknowledged.
Use of daily time sheets was discussed. A good idea would be to expand on the cards that are used now and make them bigger so more explanations can be filled in. Per Board the office does not need their permission to go ahead and do this.
The Barnstable County Sheriffs Dept. was supposed to come and look at the generator area for placement of the new wall, but so far they have not been here.
Letter of appreciation read from the Historical Society to Bruce Cahoon for his help in providing water for the Minuteman encampment held recently.
Superintendent's report.
Discussion regarding primary operator and secondary operator. Acting Superintendent Fuller recommends that we promote from within and appoint Dan Hanley as primary operator and Neil Salzillo as secondary operator. It is also recommended that these two appointments be done on a 6 month probationary period. The Board members present and Assistant Superintendent Cahoon all agreed.
Letter from Pamela Mason of Route 28, South Harwich, regarding work that had to be done to repair damage done at her property due to a water main break in the area. Per our rules and regulations the Department is not responsible for any damages incurred.
Letter from Joan Tettlebach of Pleasant Park Circle, also regarding damages incurred in similar circumstances as above letter. If homeowneris had contacted us we would gladly respond and flush main, etc. to help solve the problems. Letters are to be sent to both homeowners.
Gary Sinclair asked if we could give notification to residents of empty houses when there is a break in their area and they could contact us. Most times when the homeowners are away we do not know of any problems until after they return in the spring.
Question brought up regarding evaluations of personnel. Dan Hanley and Bruce Cahoon will do the evaluations of the men in the crew, and Mrs. Fuller will evaluate the others including the office. Job descriptions need to be done. Also random drug testing was discussed as being required due to the chemical handling and operating of machinery. This will have to be included in the next contract. To be discussed at the next meeting.
Per Gary Sinclair, we need to start putting information together for the budget process. We need numbers in order, and should have visual effects for showing our needs to budget committees and town meeting.
Adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Jr, Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Deborah A. Fuller, Acting Supt.
Carol M. Connor, Secretary