Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Gary Sinclair, Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller, Secretary Carol Connor.
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM.
Meeting with Board of Selectmen was cancelled by Selectmen Chairman Zeigler due to insufficient notice to the members of his Board. They were invited to tour the facility so as to be enlightened as to the operations of the Department.
Minutes of meeting on October 2, 2002, were reviewed and corrections suggested by Mr. Sinclair. Minutes are to be retyped to incorporate the changes.
No bills at this time. Payroll schedules were approved by the Board.
New service applications signed. There was a discussion regarding 20 South Chatham Road. It would be approximately 330 ft. for the new homeowner and 186 ft. for the Water Department to extend the main so as not to dead end the system. 80 ft. in front of the property will need to be sleeved. There is approximately $235,000 left in funds for water main installations and South Chatham Road could possibly be finished along with Pleasant Road and Allen Street. Mrs. Gonsalves made a motion to have the homeowner bring the water main to the end of his 335 ft. property, with 80 ft. to be sleeved. The town will install the extra 186 ft. to extend the water main so it will be looped. Seconded by Mr. Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.
Board discussion regarding Capital Outlay commission meeting on Thursday 10/18/01 at 7:45 PM for 15 minutes only. This is agreeable to the Board and they will meet at 7:30 PM. This will be confirmed with Ann Magor.
New Business: Analog alarm relays are expensive ($125.00) to ship out and have company check unit and return each time they get hit by lightening. $4,378.00 is the cost to replace with new alarms and have 1 spare. This will save having a man come in and sit with the system during a lightening storm. There is a lifetime guarantee from the manufacturer. (Mrs. Fuller will check further with the electrician.) Mr. Sinclair suggested preparing an article for town meeting as a one time expense - $5,000 would cover the costs.
Eastgate subdivision (Copelas) discussed. Peter Soule spoke to Bruce Cahoon and Mrs. Fuller. Mrs. Fuller also spoke to Paul Sweetser regarding the gravel road. Mr. Sinclair made a motion to send a letter of support to the Planning Department as it is their jurisdiction. Mrs. Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Abatements signed for #1865, 2374, and 6673 due to overestimates.
Superintendentis report read.
Discussion regarding second memo written by Bruce Cahoon about the use of a truck by John McCarthy. Mrs. Fuller will write a letter to Mr. McCarthy as well. It will refer to the Board of Water Commissioners letter.
The Board discussed the damage done to the fencing at the Lothrop Avenue tank. Mr. Sinclair wants a report made to the Police Department about the vandalism.
Fratus property- this should be put on the next agenda.
Discussion about perhaps working with Cape Cod Tech in producing a magnet with information for distribution.
Draw downs can be done by Dusty and Neal can do it on a rotating basis.
Water conservation rates (for irrigation) need to be put on an agenda for discussion. Backflow preventors need to be checked when irrigation systems are installed. Plumbing permits also need to be pulled.
Budget discussion: Need to go up 5% on electric rates, and a 20% increase for the gas figure. We also need to start recording vehicle mileage every year so as to estimate oil changes, etc. The Department needs to add to each vehicle number a description of the vehicle. We need to have Ron Meservey check the CD vehicle (diesel). What is the status of the backhoes? Also the costs of maintenance agreements need to be added in. Mr. Sinclair, Mrs. Fuller, and Mrs. Gonsalves will go over the figures for the 10/30/01 budget meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman
Gary Sinclair, Clerk
Deborah A. Fuller, Acting Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary