Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor
Meeting called to order at 8:15AM by Chairman Bates.
Bills approved and signed by Board members.
Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes of 11/22/05 as written. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
8:30 AM - Thomas Flynn - (did not appear for appointment) Board discussed a leak at the property at 70 Hoyt Road. Apparently the meter is in a pit quite some distance from the house where a leak developed. The foreman, Dusty Eldredge responded to the call and found the meter pit full and thought possible the water might be going into an adjacent bog. As per the rules and regulations of the Water Department, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to make sure there are no leaks at their property, and they are also responsible for any water which passes through the meter, whether used or wasted. The Board therefore does not vote in favor of this request for relief from payment of the bill.
The Board also discussed a similar request of the owner of property on Uncle Venies Road. Dusty Eldredge met the owner's representative Paul Luciano on site and both agreed and verified that the pipe after the valve on the owner's side of an irrigation system was leaking. As per the rules and regulations of the Water Department, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to make sure there are no leaks at their property, and they are also responsible for any water which passes through the meter, whether used or wasted. The Board therefore does not vote in favor of this request for payment relief.
Superintendent Wiegand spoke to the Board about two purchase orders he has drawn up and would like to use with funds that are left from the tank article. One is in the amount of $10,953.13 and would be for chain link fence around the Route 39 tank, and the other is in the amount of $4,145.96 to be used for a plow assembly for the stations. The Board has agreed to these expenditures.
Discussion re: $40,000 for submersible pumps, VFD's and communications to put wiring underground so as to avoid power outages and another weekend like during the past storm where the standby operator had to respond to numerous calls starting on Friday and going through Sunday evening. The total would come to approximately $131,000.
Mark White of Environmental Partners spoke to the Board regarding a new source at well #10. Exploration has been moving along. Iron and manganese treatment will be needed. USGS model in operation by them at this time, and can use data from Dennis and Brewster also. Clay layer is more extensive that first believed. Drawdowns on ponds will not be significant. (1.65 ft). Brewster has a well in the area that can pump 500,000 gallons per day, and both wells can co-exist. This is a viable site, and could produce up to 2 to 3 million gallons of water per day. Mr. Wiegand is investigating funding - possibly a temporary surcharge. This should be pursued per the Board members. George Cavanaugh made a motion that we go ahead with this proposal. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Public meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM.
The Board then went into Executive Session to conduct confidential interviews for the position of Comptroller.
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary