Commissioners Meeting Minutes 05/25/2001

Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates Jr., Clerk Anne Smith, and Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM.

There is a concern by the Board that consumption is up 50% over this time last year, and we have only had less than 1i of rainfall. A letter is to be sent to the Board of Selectmen requesting all Town Departments to honor the voluntary water restrictions by watering only on odd or even days.

Well #3 is off line due to a hole in the cooling line of the motor. The motor has been taken to Osterville Machinery for repairs.

Requests for quotes for leak detection going out. It is approximately $9,000 for less than 100 miles. We will do about 50 miles. Leak detection has not been done in almost two years.

The Highway Department road pavings have been very time consuming, and have caused a burden on this department. We have had to have two men tied up doing markouts ahead of them.

Barry Woods came in to discuss the problems with South Shore Generator and the wall that needs to be installed. They are responsible as it is in the code and should have been covered in their bid.

Anne Smith tended her resignation from the Board of Water Commissioners due to personal reasons, effective July 10, 2001. Danette Gonsalves made a motion to accept the letter of resignation with regret. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve motion. A letter will be sent informing the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator.

Meeting adjourned at 9:32PM.

Danette Gonsalves
Donald T. Bates, Jr.
Anne Smith
Deborah Fuller

posted: 05/25/01