Present: Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman, George Cavanaugh, Clerk, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor
Absent: Donald T. Bates, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Danette Gonsalves.
Bill schedules signed as presented.
Minutes of meeting of 02/15/05 approved as written as per a motion made by George Cavanaugh, and seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.
Earth Tech will be holding a seminar re: Water Management at the Radisson Hotel in Hyannis, on Thursday, March 24th . Let Craig Wiegand know if you are interested in attending.
Memo from Bruce Gibson read regarding Harwich Civic Spirit Day to be held on April 9th, at the Community Center, from 11:30 until 3:00. Response needs to be received by 03/20/05 if planning to participate.
Jill Mason of Channel 18 sent a memo to re-do the "Know Your Town" series prior to the upcoming town meeting. She will be contacting us during the next few weeks to see if we are interested.
Superintendent Wiegand reported on the water mains pre-construction meeting with CC Construction. Work should start in approximately 2 weeks. He also reported that the generator installations are waiting for a break in the weather. Cape Light Compact is in the process of being reviewed with the bidders.
Debbe Fuller spoke to the Board regarding obtaining a postage and mailing machine for this department. She has done research and the Pitney Bowes model DM500 is the one that would work better for our use. It would be more cost effective to have our own machine so the staff does not have to haul all the bills to the town hall to put on the postage and then to the post office to mail. (This happens 6 times per year.) If we have a machine and generate the postage from here the Post Office will also pick up the bills here. It will be most cost effective to rent the machine because this would include maintenance. George Cavanaugh asked how long the machine is expected to last. Mr. Wiegand will follow up on this question for the next Board meeting.
New service applications reviewed by the Board members.
Discussion regarding Enterprise Fund. Letter from Attorney Patrick Costello was reviewed. All finances would be going through the Board of Water Commissioners. Enterprise Fund has to stay intact for at least 3 years, and then could revert if so desired. The agreement with the Selectmen should be supplemented per George Cavanaugh. If we are ready to go to Enterprise Fund now, then this is the time to go ahead and do it per Mr. Cavanaugh. Danette Gonsalves agrees that this seems to be the time to go ahead. Mr. Wiegand and Town Accountant David Ryan will talk to Wayne Melville. Per George Cavanaugh, the Enabling Act needs to stay in place and not be repealed.
Discussion regarding demographics of population during summer season and off season. Pumping is down 10 million gallons for January and February per Superintendent Wiegand. Is it weather related? Should some type of survey be sent with billings? This needs to be followed up further.
Bruce Gibson request regarding a rebate because the meter in his house froze. The heat was turned completely off by the owner and the meter was not pulled. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to protect the meter from freezing, therefore no rebate is justified per vote of the commissioners.
Meeting dates for April set for 4/12/05 and 4/26/05.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM.
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary