Members Present: Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Anne Smith, Acting Superintendent Deborah Fuller, Foreman Daniel Hanley, Secretary Carol Connor.
Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by Chairman Danette Gonsalves.
Previous minutes approved per a motion by Donald Bates. Seconded by Anne Smith. Unanimous vote to approve.
Review and approval of bill and payroll schedules.
Site Subdivisions:
Obed Brooks Road - no water available.
6 Station Avenue - recommendation is the same as previously given.
593 Depot Street - The Board recommends water installation, but if pit is used then a deed restriction will need to be filed at the Registry of Deeds at the ownerOs expense showing the owners responsibility of any water used or lost. If pit used, it must be installed according to Water Department specifications and regulations, and must be inspected by the Department. Needs a dual check valve per Daniel Hanley and a backflow preventor. If the lot is subdivided further in the future an 8O main and 1 hydrant will be required. Motion made by Anne Smith to approve. Seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous motion to approve.
Rules and regulations will need to be brought up and reviewed again for changes by the Board, Deborah Fuller, Daniel Hanley, and Bruce Cahoon.
Route 28 notice of award signed and returned.
New Business: Stephen Beals - request for reimbursement/abatement due to damages to water heater due to replacement of hydrant on Mansion Street. The crew made notifications on the day before, and Mr. Beals said he did receive the letter. Per a discussion by the Board, the Department is not liable per Article 2, Sections 7-8-9-10 of the rules and regulations.
Operator credits - anyone going to the Worcester Trade Show must attend a class to help maintain credits.
On April 12th, Deborah Fuller will be attending a joint seminar with a Board of Health representative.
Finance Committee has asked for a meeting with no specific date. It is assumed that it will be the second week of April.
Consumer confidence report - $1,027.20 was spent last year. For approximately $200 more it could be done in color. The Board is not interested in spending the extra money at this time.
Superintendent's Report: The report was reviewed by the Board and the members are not pleased that two people had refused to work on a leak on Queen Anne Road. These people need to be written up. Discussion as to whether a contractor could be hired if this happens again. Their contract needs to be reviewed by staff.
Assorted correspondence reviewed.
Discussion re: new billing system and when it will start. Per Deborah Fuller the first billing should go out in May.
Okay to send memo re: affordable housing off Driftwood Lane to the Selectmen.
Next meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2001.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Danette Gonsalves, Chairman
Deborah Fuller, Acting Supt.
Donald Bates, Vice Chairman
Carol M. Connor, Secretary
Anne Smith, Clerk