Commissioners Meeting Minutes 02/01/2005

BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS MEETING ON FEBRUARY 01, 2005 Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor

Also Present: Town Accountant David Ryan, and Harry McCafferty

Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Chairman Bates.

Bill schedules signed as presented.

Abatements signed as presented.

George Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of 01/18/05 as written. Danette Gonsalves seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.

David Ryan passed out copies of the revenue and expense report for the Board to review.

Discussion ongoing regarding changing to an Enterprise Fund. Right now we are paying all the direct costs, but we are not paying indirect costs and the liability. Interest on the special account has been going into the Town's general fund and not into the Water Dept account. David Ryan will check with the Dept of Revenue to see if it can be changed so that it does go into the Water Dept account. Money that is put into this fund is restricted funds and under the charge of the Board of Water Commissioners and no one else. David Ryan asked about going to an Enterprise Fund and why surrounding towns have not done so. Some have, and others are Water Districts per Superintendent Wiegand.

Another concern at this time is the ongoing cost of snow removal and hydrant cleaning during the blizzard. Right now, cleanup costs are at approximately $8,000.00. It is not the responsibility of the Water Department to clean out the snow around the hydrants. Our duty is to supply water and make sure the hydrants are functional. This is a public safety issue per David Ryan, and he does not see why the costs cannot be charged to snow and ice removal, and make sure the Water Department account gets reimbursed for any expenses.

Continuing discussion on the budget articles that were taken off the table at the last meeting in the amount of $210,000.00, and there was still $38,000.00 left in the agreement previously made with the Selectmen A memo of understanding needs to be issued so that all aspects of the agreement and costs and expenditures are understood by all parties involved. Direct costs are going to be an issue every year, and an Enterprise Fund would keep everything orderly.

David Ryan will call the Dept of Revenue and find out the pros and cons of going to an Enterprise Fund from a financial viewpoint.

The Board talked about a logo for the new elevated water tank. It was suggested that a contest be held in the schools for the children to come up with a design to be used.

The Board voted unanimously to plant a tree out in front of the main building, and to have a plaque inscribed and dedicated in the memory of former Water Commissioner Anne Smith.

George Cavanaugh reported that he recently had a pleasant experience with two employees of the Department. During the recent blizzard Jason Eldredge and Steve Hicks came upon him with his car stuck in a large snow drift and they promptly stopped and assisted in digging him out. Both were unaware at the time that he was a Water Commissioner. He wished to extend his thanks as they were very courteous, and an asset to the Department.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 02/01/05