Commissioners Meeting Minutes 11/07/2006

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Wiegand, Secretary Kelly Byrnes

Meeting called to order at 8:15 am.

Mr. Alex Spanos will be in to discuss the high consumption noted on his bill. Per Superintendent Wiegand, his meter is currently being tested for accuracy however the results have not yet come in. When Assistant Superintendent Cahoon went out to the property he found two toilet leaks. The second appointment scheduled is Kate Harlow, representing the Walden Woods Neighborhood Association. She is requesting that water shed signs be placed in the Walden Woods neighborhood.

George Cavanaugh moved to approve the minutes. Per Superintendent Wiegand, approve but noting one change to be made as follows. Change from "went over this year's budget by $10,000.00," to, "we went over this month's allocated percentage for overall year's budget." Danette Gonsalves seconded motion. Unanimous vote to approve.

Request from the Town to waive the fee to install new meter at the round-a-bout at Route 139. Motion to approve made by George Cavanaugh. The motion was seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.

Superintendent Wiegand requested permission to send a memo to Leo Peloquin to move along completion of contracts for Water Department employees. Request was seconded by George Cavanaugh.

Superintendent Wiegand shared pictures of Well #10. To help cleaning and maintenance easier, a new submersible pump had been added to make the process easier to pull out.

Today at 12:00 pm, the job announcement closes for Treatment Operator vacancy. Superintendent Wiegand made motion to request permission to offer the job to one of the applicants once the job announcement has been closed. The candidate has all of the appropriate licenses. Motion was seconded by George Cavanaugh and there was a unanimous vote to approve.

Per Superintendent Wiegand, he would like to have different Water Department employees try out the foreman position for a period of three months (ninety days). The position will be open to employees who are willing to try out the position. If it doesn't appear there is anyone properly suited for the position, the job will be open to the public. The job has already been offered as a trial to one employee for the next ninety days at a temporary pay raise.

Ms. Kate Harlow came before the Board on behalf of the Walden Woods Neighborhood Association. Walden Woods is between Route 139 and Route 137. The neighborhood has had a recent problem with dog owners being inappropriate with the cleanup of their dog's excrements. The neighborhood association would like to get signs notifying people that this area falls within a protected watershed area and in which case would make people more aware and careful. Ms. Harlow requested that five signs be placed throughout the neighborhood. Per Superintendent Wiegand, before this can be made possible, the Water Department needs to get clarification from the Town Administrator to put these sings up due to regulations the Town has set up for putting signs up around Harwich. Danette Gonsalves asked Ms. Halow whether or not she has spoken with the Town's Animal Control Officer. Ms. Harlow had spoken with the Animal Control Officer unfortunately there is no way of pinning down who exactly is responsible because they have many people from nearby neighborhoods who also walk there dogs throughout Walden Woods. The Board informed Ms. Harlow that they will get back to her as soon as they have heard back from the Town Administrator and have reached a decision.

Mr. Alex Spanos of 10 Sea Pine Knoll, came before the Board to discuss his water bill for over $900.00. Mr. Spanos claims that it is impossible that he used 265,000 gallons of water this summer. Superintendent Wiegand explained to Mr. Spanos that when Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon went to the property he did find two toilet leaks. Superintendent Wiegand also explained that before any decision can be made, they need to make sure the meter is accurate and per conversation with Regan Supply and Testing yesterday the results were not yet in. George Cavanaugh further explained the Harwich Water Department policy that states when water goes through the meter it becomes the homeowner's responsibility and are responsible for paying the bill. At the present time the Board does not have enough information to make a decision. If the test results show something is wrong with the meter, the Board will certainly make an adjustment on the bill. Mr. Spanos explained that he does have an irrigation system however his lawn is very small and the system was shut down early this season. Per Superintendent Wiegand, the only thing that can be done right now is to wait until the meter results come back. The decision will be discussed and made at the next meeting to be held on November 21, 2006.

Letter to the Water Department from owner of account number 3745 regarding their large water bill. Owner used 362,000 gallons and after we went to the property to d o a re-read, an additional 22,000 gallons had been used. We did as much testing as possible around the property for leaks, given that we were unable to get into the property.

Superintendent Wiegand also received a letter from the owner of account number 8335 also disputing their high water bill. Owner had received a bill for 915,000 gallons of usage. In their letter to Superintendent Wiegand, they explained that they refused to pay the full amount of the bill, but were willing to pay $295.00 which is the amount they paid for the same billing period last year. The owner's meter has also been sent out to be tested for accuracy. The Board will send a letter to the customer explaining that his payment is not sufficient, but that they could come before the Board and discuss their case. A letter will be sent to both of account numbers 771 and 8335, noting that they have the option to apply for abatement and further appeal it at the State level. If payment is not received, water will be shut off.

Mr. Steven Harris's request for easement has been finalized. The Water Department will pay him $7,500.00. The agreement was drafted by Mike Ford. The Board has the opportunity to make changes in the agreement if they feel necessary. George Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the easement and payment of $7,500.00 to Mr. Harris as is. Motion was seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.

Second request from the Town was made to waive the meter fee for the Earle Road Comfort Station. Superintendent Wiegand informed the Board that account numbers have been assigned to both the Rec and Highway Departments for water usage. Board approved request.

Discussion regarding upcoming holiday schedules for Christmas and New Years. Superintendent Wiegand requested that the Board allow the Water Department employees to work one hour of overtime each night during the weeks of December 22nd and December 29th and thus be allowed to leave work at 12:00 pm on Friday, December 22nd and Friday, December 29th. Town Hall employees leave at 12:00 pm on both of those dates. Unanimous vote to approve.

December meeting dates scheduled for December 5, 2006 and December 19, 2006.

Per Superintendent Wiegand, as of July 1, 2007, health insurance will be going up twenty-three and one-half percent. Health insurance just went up ten percent the past month.

Motion to adjourn made by George Cavanaugh. Motion was seconded by Danette Gonsalves.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 am.

Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Kelly Byrnes, Secretary

posted: 11/07/06

  • Water Service Line Inventory is now available as part of Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. View
  • 11/6/24 Invitation To Bid: Valve Isolation Equipment System. Awarded to Hydra-Stop.
  • 2024 Fall Flushing; October 7th through December 31, 2024 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. in the areas of Pleasant Lake and North > Flushing FAQ's
  • Invitation to Bid: FY 2025 Water Works Supplies | Awarded to Ferguson Waterworks
  • Town Phase 3 Wastewater Engagement Forum; 10/1/2 6:30 p.m. @ Community Center. View Project Info.
  • It's official!!  Our new Water & Wastewater Superintendent, Jason Trepanier, joins our department on Monday, August 26, 2024.  Congratulations Jason and welcome!
  • Voluntary Water Restrictions:  Please consider conserving water staying within the days and hours > Odd number houses: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday  |  Even number houses: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday "Before 8:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m".
  • Spring Flushing is now complete! 
  • Seasonal Laborers Wanted. The pay range is $16.82-$18.94/hr.  View Job Description.  Email Application to 
  • Congratulations Noreen Donahue, on another 3-year term as Water & Wastewater Commissioner!
  • Congratulations to Bob Young!!  We look forward to your contributions as a newly elected Water & Wastewater Commissioner!
  • Thank you Gary Carreiro for your committment and dedication over the past 9 years as Water and Wastewater Commissioner.  You will be missed!!   
  • JOB OPENING:  Harwich Water & Wastewater Superintendent job posting has been extended to Friday, June 28th, 2024  > View Job Posting & Description.
  • 4/01 - 6/30/24 | Spring Flushing Monday-Thursday 6:00p-12a as weather permits > Flushing FAQ's 
  • 5/15/24 Planned power outage at Water Department office on 5/15/24 from 7a-12p (approx) in preparation for generator replacement.
  • Sewer Phase 3 Project Map (.pdf)  |  Wastewater Phase 3 Interactive Map
  • 4/17/24 | Job Posting: Harwich Water & Wastewater Superintendent > View Job Posting & Description.
  • 4/16/24 | 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is now available > View
  • 4/16/24 | New Composting Program to begin 7/1/24 > Learn more
  • 4/10-4/11/24 | Water Emergency; Do Not Drink Water; limited to are of North Harwich was lifted on 4/11/24.
  • 4/01-6/30/24 | Spring Flushing Monday-Thursday 6:00p-12a as weather permits > Flushing FAQ's  
  • 2/12/24 | Phase 3 Septic As-built Ties are available > View P3 Septic As-Built & Septic System Download
  • 2/8/24 | Phase 3 Map and Updates are available > View Map | View Project Updates
  • 2/1/24 | Phase 2 Sewer Order to Connect has been extended to March 1, 2025.
  • 12/5/23 | Fall Flushing is now complete!  Thank you for your patience.
  • 10/23/23 | The Town of Harwich Water Department is accepting sealed bids for furnishing and delivery of General Water Works Supplies for the period of August 11, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Bid awarded to Cape Cod Winwater!
  • 9/13/23 | Fall Flushing begins September 18th and runs through December 2023, Monday - Thursday from 6:00pm to 12a (weather permitting). Flushing will begin in East Harwich and finish in South Harwich. View Flushing FAQ's  
  • 7/11/23 | Water Department job openings; Electrician/Journeyman, Secondary Distribution Operator and (2) Seasonal Laborer Positions | View Job Postings & Job Descriptions.  Positions have been filled as of 9/13/23. Thank you.
  • 06/08/23 | Spring flushing is now complete - Thank you for you patience! 
  • 05/03/23 | Emergency Generators and Transfer Switches RE-BID. Bid awarded to FM Generator!
  • 04/13/23 | The Harwich Board of Water and Wastewater Commissioners will be holding a public hearing April 27, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. at the Harwich Water Department, 196 Chatham Road, Harwich, MA 02645.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input regarding changes to General Bylaws, Chapter 300 Water §300-5, §300-16. Violations and Penalties.... View Legal Ad  |   View General Bylaws, Chapter 300
  • 04/10/23 | Water Main Flushing begins in the areas of Route 39, Harwich Center and North Harwich, Monday through Thursday from 6 PM TO 12AM, through June 30, 2023View Flushing FAQ's
  • 03/02/23 | Need assistance with the cost of your sewer connection?  Cape Cod AquiFund offers low-interest betterment loans for Cape Cod homeowners faced with the cost of replacement of septic sytems and installation of advanced onsite water treatement units now includes sewer connections. Learn more
  • 02/23/23 | Emergency Generators and Transfer Switches bid > View Bid
  • 01/24/23 | Water/Sewer bills were delayed, but have been mailed. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience. Water Department Staff.
  • 10/26/22 | As of Wednesday, October 26th, the Board of Water & Wastewater Commissioners voted to lift the outdoor watering ban in Harwich. Please be advised, water ban citations issued up to this date remain due and payment should be made to the Town Clerk’s Office. Once again, the outdoor watering ban has been lifted in the Town of Harwich. Thank you for your cooperation during the ban.
  • 10/18/22 |  Request for Quote for Well 7 Rehabilitation Pump Removal & Replacement > Link to RFQ download(s)
  • 09/22/22 |  Special Town Meeting, Article #1 Maps >> Route 28 PS Sites_CLR and Phase 3 PS Sites_CLR
  • 08/29/22 |  Invitation for Bid: Water Distribution Materials Bulk Purchase View Bid
  • 07/29/22 |  Mandatory Outdoor Water Ban, Effective 8/1/22; View Notice and  Learn More -->USGS Chart
  • 07/08/22 |  Water Department Job Posting: Secondary Distribution Operator D2, view posting and job description
  • 06/17/22 | Invitation For Bid:  Domestic Water Meters > View Bid
  • 06/16/22 | BOWWC Public Hearing Outcome: Rates & Fees were adopted and become effective 7/1/22.  Property Acquisitions will move forward.  
  • 05/26/22 | A Public Hearing will be held in the Griffin Room at Harwich Town Hall on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. for items; 1. Proposed Water Rates & Fees Increases and 2. Aquisition of Property through Eminent Domain. View Rates & Fees |  Property Acquisition Locations >> Assessors Parcel 43-E-7-0 (0.48 acres), 43-E-9-0 (0.96 acres), 43-E-9A-0 (0.82 acres), 43-E-10-0 (0.97 acres) and 43-E-12-0 (4.51 acres) 
  • 04/01/22 | Spring Flushing Notice is scheduled for April 11th - June 30th, 2022.  Flushing FAQ's
  • 04/01/22 | Annual Water Quality Report 2021 is now available.
  • 03/14/22 | Fertilizer Policy Guidelines Education
  • 03/09/22 | New Payment Options: VISA, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal and PayPal Credit
  • 02/09/22 | Order to Connect to Sewer & Welcome Packet has been mailed to the first round of property owners; 265 total. Read more
  • Secondary Distribution Operator (2 Openings) > Positions have been filled.
  • Fall Flushing 2021 in South Harwich Area; Monday-Thursday 6-11p October 5 through December, weather pending. Flushing FAQ's
  • Sewer Bill Estimates for Phase 2, first-to-connect future customers, is now available -> Sewer Bill Estimates
  • Sewer Rates; effective 7/16/21 -> Sewer Rates
  • New Water Rates; effective 7/1/21 -> Water Rates
  • New Sewer Use Regulations were adopted; effective 5/26/21 -> Sewer Use Regulations
  • Water Rules & Regulations were updated and adopted; effective 5/26/21. -> Water Rules & Regulations 
  • Proposed Sewer Rates Proposed, effective 7/16/21.  Public hearing will be held on July 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the Water Department office at 196 Chatham Road, Harwich MA 02645.
  • Water Rate Increase Proposed, effective 7/1/21.  Public hearing will be held on June 30, 2021 @ 1:00 p.m. at the Water Department office at 196 Chatham Road, Harwich MA 02645.  
  • Water Department Office, and Town Offices open tomorrow!  Water Department hours are M-F 8a-4:30p.  Please note that we will be closed on Friday 6/18/21 in observance of Juneteenth.  
  • Welcome to our newest members of the Water/Wastewater Commission; Noreen Donahue and John Gough!!
  • MANDATORY Water Restrictions - Please be advised that in response to the level 1 drought declaration and lower than average groundwater levels the Harwich Water Department has implemented mandatory odd/even watering schedule effective immediately.  Learn More -->USGS Chart
  • 2020 Consumer Confidence / Annual Water Quality Report is now available.
  • View News Feed Archive; 2020 and prior