Commissioners Meeting Minutes 10/10/2006

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Wiegand, Secretary Kelly Byrnes

Meeting called to order at 8:15 am.

Motion made by Donald Bates to approve minutes with the addition of the word "due" in the following sentence, "Bids were pulled due to unclear sections." Motion was seconded by George Cavanaugh.

Superintendent Wiegand asked the Board to review the budget for next year. He also asked the Board to consider hiring an electrician full time. The electrician would be available for other Town departments and offices to use. Within the last year, the Water Department spent almost $62,000 for electrical costs. The Water Department would sub the electrician out to the town. Concerns about what qualifications would be required and the availability of finding such an electrician were brought up. Per Superintendent Wiegand, the electrician would be required to have a journeyman's license and would be offered full time benefits. This would increase our expected budget, however it is hoped that those costs would be recouped.

Dave Ryan just closed the books. Board will be given a comparison of last year's budget and expected budget of upcoming year.

Superintendent Wiegand informed the Board that we went over this month's allocated percentage for the overall year's budget in order to buy new tools which were greatly needed. Employees were informed that if a tool breaks the Water Department will replace it, but if an employee loses a tool they will be expected to replace it out of their own money.

There are still three articles that have not been placed in the budget. These include the articles for automated meter readings, the possibility of a new dump truck, and the ongoing development of the new source.

Superintendent Wiegand met with Capital Outlay last week and they were quite pleased with the presentation.

Per Superintendent Wiegand, we are waiting for Munis to make a correction in our computer system. Once that is fixed, Munis will come down for one more training regarding how to set up demand statements.

George Cavanaugh made a motion to adjourn meeting. Motion was seconded by Danette Gonsalves.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 am.

Next meeting to be held on October 24, 2006.

Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Kelly Byrnes, Secretary

posted: 10/10/06