Members Present: Chairman Anne Smith, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Kenneth Bulley, Sr. Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller.
Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by Chairman Anne Smith.
MINUTES: The Minutes of December 18, 2000 were reviewed and discussed. Danette Gonsalves questioned the amounts of the repair charges presented as she thought they had been changed. Debbe Fuller explained that the minutes reflected the charges as discussed at the December 18, 2000 meeting. The revised amounts would be reviewed at todayis meeting. Danette Gonsalves made the motion to approve. Seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.
Payroll approved and signed.
Applications for water services - all approved. 593 Depot Street will have a stipulation that if the 3-acre lot is further subdivided a water main will be needed. Superintendent Bulley will attend the Planning Board meeting to make sure this requirement is also in their minutes.
Review of service charges as discussed in a special meeting. The Board agrees with the new charges and will have them printed in the newspaper, and mailed to the customers in their bills.
OLD BUSINESS: South Shore Generator neglected to forward the signature page in their submittal. Mr. Bulley will notify the Board when he receives it.
NEW BUSINESS: The budget review articles were discussed as follows:
1) A figure for the articles to clean the wells is $88,500. Price came from D. L. Maher.
2) Article on vehicles has not changed.
3) Cleaning, painting and refurbishing Route 39 tank $650,000. We are to ask for $250,000 this year and if passed it will give us a total of $425,000 towards the article total.
Budget review meeting date is January 27, 2001 at 7:00AM.
Received Mass Highway permit for Route 28 project. The State has given a start date of no earlier than April or May. The State permit has a workday of 9AM - 3PM. Mr. Bulley will see if we can get it extended to the day to 7AM - 4PM.
Town report to be reviewed by the Board and returned.
All abatements were approved and signed.
A list of potential well sites developed by Mr. Bulley was discussed. The Board asked that Mr. Bulley prioritize the list.
The Board asked that Deborah Fuller take the minutes for the meetings until further notice.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: The Board recommends that Neil Salzillo be placed in the Alternate Operator's position as he has met the requirements of the position. The Board congratulated Neil's accomplishments. The Board also congratulated John McCarthy for passing his test. The Board also stated that they would like to review any future request for courses prior to any employee taking a course.
Selectmen's Meeting is January 8, 2001, at 7:30 PM.
Planning Board Meeting is January 9, 2001 at 7:00 PM.
Next Water Commissioner meeting is January 22, 2001.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM.
Anne M. Smith, Chairman
Kenneth J Bulley, Superintendent
Donald Bates, Jr. Vice Chairman
Deborah Fuller, Sr. Admin. Assistant
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk