Harwich Water Department
Meeting on January 10, 2012
Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Vice Chairman Allin Thompson, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Alexandra Bilek, Sr. Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh, Comptroller Sandra Cummings, Ted Nelson, Don Kearen
Chairman Donald Bates called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.
The minutes for the previous meeting held on November 29, 2011, were approved with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves and seconded by Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Ted Nelson and Don Kearen were in attendance representing the East Harwich Group Collaborative. They described the group’s proposed zoning for an East Harwich Village Center (EHVC) that would include a Main Street and mixed residential and commercial areas. He said the group recognizes the strain this will put on the water system, and this development depends on the ability to treat the excess nitrogen. Mr. Nelson said the proposed zoning would incorporate the Natural Resource Protection District (NRPD). He said this is achieved by lowering overall density, clustering development away from the most environmentally sensitive areas, and preserving significant open space to reduce impervious surfaces. He said additional houses can be built as incentive for using other water protection practices or by transferring development rights into the EHVC. Mr. Nelson said he hopes that because of the NRPD sewer will not be necessary in this district. Superintendent Wiegand asked if they were looking for anything from the Board today. Mr. Nelson said they just wanted to keep the Board abreast of what is going on. Mr. Nelson said he would love feedback and hopes they can meet again as the process develops. He said they are going before the Planning Board tonight, and will be holding a public forum at the Community Center on January 31st at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Wiegand broached the topic of the Town’s proposed restructuring of the Departments. Vice Chairman Thompson said prior to the Selectmen’s meeting he asked the Town Administrator why he did not come before the Board before he proposed merging the Water Department into a DPW. He said he did not get a real answer, and at the Selectmen’s meeting the Town Administrator referred to having a meeting with the Board in the future. Vice Chairman Thompson said before we meet with him we need to decide on the direction of the Department, look into the issues in regard to the type of structure the Department should have, where we are going to go with it and be prepared to put it on the table when we meet with the Town Administrator. He said he thinks we should look into a Water-Sewer District, how the directors of leadership should be and who answers to whom. Vice Chairman Thompson said we need to make a decision and share it with the Town Administrator. Superintendent Wiegand asked what the Board wants the Department to look into and if it included looking into becoming a Water-Sewer District and the process it involves. The Board said yes to all. Mr. Wiegand said he spoke with Mark Abrahams who advised him that to become a Water-Sewer District we would need a good Asset Management Program so we can justify the costs of everything. Mr. Wiegand said he found a good program that would allow us to do online work orders, asset management, GIS component and several features that we do not use at this time. He said the program is costly, but a good investment. Mr. Wiegand said we need to find out if this program is under government contract because if it is not then we will have to bid it out. Comptroller Sandra Cummings proposed having a study done to support the Department becoming a Water-Sewer District. Mr. Wiegand said he thinks that it will not take too long. Vice Chairman Thompson said he thinks once the Board has agreed to become a Water-Sewer District then they should conduct a study. Mr. Wiegand said if the Town merges the Department into a DPW we might as well be back into the General Fund because the Town is going to take all of the Department’s money. The Board is in agreement about researching becoming a Water-Sewer District.
Mr. Wiegand asked the Board if they had any input on the Town Report Draft. Clerk Gonsalves read her changes which included going to a Water-Sewer District and increasing the Board to five members. She also requested the line regarding Service Tight Protection Plan covering further water damage be removed. Vice Chairman Thompson suggested changing the wording in the same paragraph to say the cost of a water service can cost upwards of $2,000 or more.
Sr. Billing Administrator Wellesley Marsh briefed the Board about the correspondence from Elizabeth Noble of 5 Panorama Point regarding her denied abatement. She told the Board that while they denied the customer’s recent abatement the Department internally adjusted one of her late fees because of an office error.
Mr. Wiegand updated the Board about the work at the Treatment Plant. He said the punch list has been completed in every area except in regard to the Scada system. Mr. Wiegand said he has been in contact with the technician, and told them if things were not corrected by this Friday he was going to start charging them a penalty for liquidated damages which is $500 per day. He said since then the Scada technician is working to get the programming issues corrected. Mr. Wiegand said once that is done he will notify the Building Inspector so he can issue the occupancy permit.
Mr. Wiegand said that T-Mobile has all of their equipment on the Rte 39 Tank, the Sheriff’s Department is installing their equipment next week and Verizon Wireless will be installing their equipment the following week. He said they are tightening up the extension bars on the legs, and once this is done they will fill the tank, disinfect it, take a sample and put it back on line. Mr. Wiegand said DEP is requiring the Tanks be inspected every year, and as a result he had the Lothrop Tank inspected and there are issues to be dealt with. He said he would like to submit an article for $100,000 for the design and bidding on this project so when we go to Town Meeting the following year we will know exactly how much we need. Mr. Wiegand said he would like to take the $100,000 from the retained earnings. Clerk Gonsalves moved to plan a Warrant Article to fund design and bidding for the rehabilitation of the Lothrop Tank in the sum of $100,000 to be taken from retained earnings with a second from Vice Chairman Thompson; 3-0-0.
Mr. Wiegand suggested a meeting on January 18th to discuss the process of becoming a Water-Sewer District. The Board was in agreement about this date.
The Board will meet again on Wednesday, January 18, 2012.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m. with a motion by Clerk Gonsalves and seconded by Chairman Bates; 3-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________ ______________________________
Donald T. Bates, Chairman Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
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Allin P. Thompson, Vice Chairman Alexandra Bilek, Secretary
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk