Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor
Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Chairman Bates.
Minutes of 01/10/06 - George Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Bill schedules signed.
Joint meeting with Board of Selectmen will probably be within the next few weeks per Superintendent Wiegand. He will put a package together for Board members.
Requests for proposals are going out for cell towers on the new tank according to a report given by Mr. Wiegand. The new tank is on line and the base area is being used for some storage. Also a meeting with DEP to get a final pumping test in well 10 area should be within the next few weeks.
8:30 AM ÑAppointment with Tom Flynn to speak about a leak in the pit at his property at 70 Hoyt Road. The cover was pulled and the pit was full of water when it was examined by Water Dept personnel. The leak was determined to be just inside the pit when it was checked by both Tyan Latham and Dusty Eldredge. The homeowner's plumber was called and tightened all the joints. Mr. Flynn asked why the meter is in a pit, and if it can be moved inside his basement. Mr. Flynn also asked for relief from paying the bill due to the leak. Superintendent Wiegand will go to property to check to see if this can be done. Irrigation type pipe was used and it needs to be checked as well as it looks sub-standard to code and had split right where it was joined with a hose coupling. The Board of Water Commissioners and Superintendent Wiegand will keep Mr. Flynn informed.
An evaluation of the budget was done this past week. There probably will have to be a 10% rate increase next year and again in 2012 according to the calculations done. This includes figures for a treatment plant, and bonding. The increases will help the department to keep up with inflation.
Goals reviewed:
$ 600,000 -- Water Mains
120,000 -- GIS Program
110,000 -- Generators for Stations
100,000 -- New Source
18,000 -- Pickup Truck
30,000 -- Munis update module
4,500 -- High Volume Billing Machine
50 hydrants are slated to go in next summer. This will be done in a prioritized manner.
Goals per BOWC (Department)
New source at site 10
GIS system
Ongoing updates and modernization
Goals per BOWC (Superintendent)
Implement Department goals
Strategic planning for future
Personnel training and efficiency
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 AM.
Donald T. Bates, Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary