Present: Chairman Anne Smith, Vice Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Kenneth J Bulley, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller, Secretary Carol M. Connor.
Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by Chairman Smith.
Previous minutes reviewed and approved per motion by Danette Gonsalves. Seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.
Review and approval of bill and payroll schedules.
New service applications and site subdivisions approved and signed for: David Gould, 98 Old Chatham Road Donna and Joseph Gilmette, 557 Main Street
Old/Unfinished Business: Proposal from EarthTech for Route 28 water main engineering services reviewed. Superintendent Bulley will be in contact with Robert Yarsites this week to follow up with State permitting. Danette Gonsalves made motion to approve the proposal. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Review by Board of Marie Lane water main.
F/Y 2002 budget review. Wayne Melville spoke to Superintendent Bulley and he has no problem with a 1 or 2 day delay for submission of budget. The Board discussed an increase of electric power used at the Holmes forest site due to the replacement of a transformer and meter, which are now reading correctly. This all needs to be figured into the next budget. Stations 1 to 4 are next to be changed out and could possibly be the same due to the age of the current equipment. Com Electric is waiting for better equipment to be able to sum up usage. ReComm Electric will try to get more efficiency out of our current meters.
Superintendents Report: Mr. Bulley gave a report on the inspection of the Route 39 water tank. The interior looks good with no coating failure. The exterior has some corrosion and a detailed report will follow from Leo Yuskus of Haley & Ward.
Two consecutive samples from the Brooks Park tank have had negative results. The tank has been placed back on line with the approval of DEP. An update was given on the Cranberry Valley Golf Course. The concession and pro shop will temporarily be housed in trailers during the construction. Three separate services will be needed for the golf course, and temporary services will be needed for the trailers. It was suggested that samples be taken as some of the pipes are contaminated and will need flushing and chlorination. Backflow prevention will also be necessary. The Department has informed the golf course manager representative that the water services will cost approximately $2,500.00 per service.
Specs for the color laser printer were reviewed. The Board gave permission to go ahead with purchase per motion by Danette Gonsalves. Donald Bates seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve.
Assorted correspondence reviewed. ZBA ruling for Harold Gonsalves reviewed also. The Board stands firm that no easements should be granted. There will be a Dig Safe meeting on Thursday, November 9th at Yarmouth Water Dept. 3 representatives will be attending. Orleans Water Dept. is holding an iron and manganese filtration system seminar all this week. Mr. Bulley, Mrs. Fuller, and Mr. Cahoon will attend. A performance evaluation for Deborah Fuller written by Danette Gonsalves was presented to the Board for review and further action. Mr. Bulley has been in contact with Susan Leven of the Planning Dept to attend a meeting on the DCPC. Next Planning Board meeting is November 14th.
Next meeting: November 20, 2000
Upcoming meeting: December 04, 2000
Meeting adjourned at 9:33 AM.
Anne Smith, Chairman
Kenneth J Bulley, Superintendent
Donald T. Bates, Jr. Vice Chairman
Deborah Fuller, Sr. Adm. Assistant
Danette Gonsalves, Clerk
Carol M. Connor, Secretary