MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Anne Smith, Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Kenneth Bulley, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah Fuller.
Meeting called to order at 8:30 AM by Chairman Smith.
Minutes of previous meeting approved per motion by Danette Gonsalves. Seconded by Donald Bates.
Current bills and payroll reviewed and signed as presented.
Service applications: Cranberry Valley Golf Course - memo sent saying Water Department is working with Golf Committee on water service line.
Queen Anne Road Storage Facility - no water service required. We are requesting an additional fire hydrant.
Appointment: @ 9:30 with Ron Sanda: Problem at Cranberry Valley Golf Course. Mr. Sanda was representing the Golf Course and he requested the aid of the Water Department in digging a trench for laying a new electrical cable for the course's water well. The Board agreed to help.
Old/Unfinished Business: Abatement request denied for service #2477 - The meter is located in a crawl space and the customer had a domestic leak after the meter. Danette Gonsalves made motion to deny the abatement. Chairman Smith seconded. Unanimous vote to approve denial. Route 28 water main extension n waiting for agreement from EarthTech. LVA Construction approved as utility installer by unanimous vote. Open meeting law meeting on 11/16/00 @ 6:00PM n At least one Commissioner will attend.
New Business: Board agreed that customers will be notified of shutoffs instead of liens. The Board will meet for a rate workshop to discuss miscellaneous charges. Late notice correspondence - Deborah Fuller presented a letter she recently sent to several customers who refused to contact the Tax Collector after they were notified that their checks had been returned for "insufficient funds". Deborah stated that she understands the Board felt it was strong, but monies have to be collected. She suggested that the Board place an ad describing new rates in the local paper. It is not a requirement mandated by the State, but it is a courtesy gesture.
Superintendent's Overview.
Assorted correspondence passed to Board members to review.
Next meetings are November 6th and 20th.
Anne M. Smith, Chairman
Kenneth J. Bulley, Superintendent
Donald T. Bates, Vice Chairman
Deborah Fuller, Sr. Administrative Assistant
Danette L. Gonsalves, Clerk