The 8:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Anne Smith. Vice Chairman Donald Bates, Clerk Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Kenneth Bulley, Senior Administrative Assistant Debbe Fuller, Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, and Carol Connor present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved Vice Chairman Bates made motion to approve minutes as written. Clerk Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Payroll schedules and bills reviewed and signed by the Board members.
New service applications reviewed and signed by Board members.
Account adjustment forms signed for service #9061-9062-9063-9064-9065-9066-9067-9068-9069-9070-9071 and 9107.
APPOINTMENTS: 9:00 AM - HAROLD GONSALVES - Property located off Queen Anne Road, Mr. Gonsalves is requesting water service for lot #4 only. This is a private road and needs to have a water main and hydrant. The property does not abut Main Street, so no services can be brought in over strips. Discussion re: using 20 ft in the middle of the road layout. Board needs to do more research so as to possibly be able to move the services around. Also, part of the land area is in dispute and this could hamper the location of the services. The Board will discuss options further and get back to Mr. Gonsalves within 10 days.
9:30 AM - BOARD OF HEALTH - Joint meeting re: septic issues and variances, which are being granted in different areas of town. They asked for clarification about requirements necessary to obtain town water. Can water be required in some of these areas due to location of septics for public safety reasons? Why are there still private roads, which hamper water main installation? The Board of Health does not grant any variances on new construction. Discussion re: sign off sheet before building permits are issued. Suggestion made that plans be stamped that a copy has been given to the Water Dept. Both Boards will share information on irrigation wells. We should encourage people to use private wells for irrigation rather than tapping off town water. They also asked about plans for development of supply areas. Round Cove also poses a potential problem and the Open Space Committee should be encouraged to pursue parcels in that area. Both Boards should approach the Open Space Committee, so Board of Health will notify this Board as to when the next meeting will be.
OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Call from R. H. White and the figure is not to exceed $11,329 to repair the broken shaft. This includes a new shaft assembly, spider bushings, and pump. The money left in the rehab article will take care of this expense. Update on 10 South Chatham Road given. The new owners stopped in for paperwork and will be speaking to their realtor. Still need to have a construction meeting . Update given on Northern Data System. List was faxed to them last Tuesday and Superintendent Bulley feels most of the problems can be worked out except for the meter changeout program. The new version should be available to us sometime in the fall.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion re: the resignation of David Condrey for another position and the changes that will have to be made here to take up the slack. Superintendent Bulley proposed that Neil Salzillo be moved to primary operator standby as he has acquired his grade 2 license and John McCarthy has not at this time. An ad for a replacement will be created and Debbe Fuller has called an operator she worked with in Chatham also. New plan for Joseph Mendes at the end of Lonesome's Way reviewed. Mr. Mendes is asking to cross a Comm Electric easement and this cannot be done. A letter will be written explaining this. New bill signing schedule - Commissioners will stop in on Mondays to sign paperwork.
Upcoming meeting: Monday, July 3, 2000 @ 8:30 AM. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Accepted by:
Anne M. Smith, Chairman
Kenneth J. Bulley, Superintendent
Donald T. Bates, Vice Chairman
Carol M. Connor, Secretary
Danette L. Gonsalves , Clerk