Commissioners Meeting Minutes 06/01/2004

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Senior Administrative Assistant Deborah A. Fuller

Chairman Bates called the meeting to order at 8:25 AM.

Discussion re: Daisy Street. Three property owners present. Daisy Street has 740 ' of 6" water main, no hydrants, and some areas have only 2-1/2 ft of coverage over the main. The area in question is near Sequattom Road, The Water Department cannot mandate the repairs of the road, but is making the recommendations for repairs as the residents of the area are planning to upgrade the r4oad. The residents asked if there would be any support from the town for the work that is needed. Superintendent Wiegand and residents will meet with the Highway Department to see what needs to be done.

Service #2053 - Homeowner felt the $250.00 charge for a frozen water meter was excessive, and appealed for an abatement from the Board of Water Commissioners. The Board voted to deny the request based on pat practice, and the fact that it is the responsibility of the homeowner to protect the meter from freezing.

Minutes of May 14, 2004, Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by George Cavanaugh. Unanimous vote to approve.

Discussion re: Route 39 and Lothrop water tanks. Haley & Ward has sent a letter explaining that the contractor for the repairs has technically walked off the job. The Water Department presently owes the contractor $15,000 for work that has been completed, and owes $16,000 for engineering fees for meetings never attended. The Board recommends that the problem be forwarded to Town Counsel.

Compact Light - There is a conflict with Compact Light and DMI of Newton as to who is in charge. Therefore, the $73,000 grant is on hold.

Discussion re: agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and the Board of Selectmen. George Cavanaugh stated that it is a fair agreement even though the Water Department can not charge more if the consumption of town accounts goes up. The Board agrees, and feels that it is the first step to an Enterprise Fund.

Abatements approved for services #1008, 7164, 5538, and 584.

Schedule of abatements signed for $150.10.

Commitment of accounts signed for $160,771.00.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Deborah A. Fuller, Senior Administrative Assistant

posted: 06/01/04