The 7:00 PM meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith. Donald Bates, Danette Gonsalves, Ken Bulley and Barbara Sayers were present. Superintendent Woods was attending Finance Committee meeting.
Current bills and payroll reviewed and signed as presented.
Reviewed and approved new service applications as presented.
APPOINTMENT/OPEN: Based on public hearing held on August 19, 1998, Chairman Smith makes motion to no longer entertain any future discussion regarding the placement of cellular antennas on any Water Department storage facilities or properties. Seconded by Donald Bates, unanimously voted and so moved. A copy of the wireless policy will be forwarded under cover letter to both the Cape Cod Commission and the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Smith also requests that as Ken Bulley is now acting Superintendent, that he be allowed the use of the department vehicle to be brought to his residence for response to the department in case of emergency during off hours. Board agrees, no vote needed.
OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Administrative staffing issues; have held 3 interviews and will be scheduling an additional 2 applicants to come in. Article for water use restriction bylaw; reminder, public hearing to be held, Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 7:00 PM at Town Hall. Altered bylaw language on advice from Town Counsel. Based on discussion at joint meeting with BOS last week, they will support this bylaw article to be included in special town meeting warrant. No need to get petitions signed.
NEW BUSINESS: Sign procurement 99-1 water main extensions, Flagship Ln. & Packet Way. Danette Gonsalves makes motion to award procurement to J.W. Dubis in the amount of $8,175.00 which includes paving, seconded by Chairman Smith, unanimously voted and so moved. Board signed documents. Contract 99-2HWD water mains & appurtenances, Deacons Folly Road. Bid was opened on October 28,1999. Motion made by Chairman Smith to award contract to Robert Our in the amount of $61,555.00, seconded by Danette Gonsalves, unanimously voted and so moved. Service #1693, meter replacement charges dispute; letter from homeowner read by Ken. Account history regarding meter damage given by Barbara and Ken. Board examined meter. Board agrees that request for abatement is denied. Office had only assessed charge on meter replacement, had waived service call since meter man was at property doing seasonal turn off. Also had not originally penalized for any tampering charge. While Board understands that it is difficult to exactly determine how the meter got damaged, it is the responsibility of the homeowner. Board agrees, letter will be sent to homeowner. Abatement, service #1025, previous problem with postal delivery, signed by Board. Commitment of accounts, from 9/2/99 n 11/1/99, signed by Board. Request from BOS to nominate BOWC member for WQMTF; letter read from BOS, Board discusses request. Danette Gonsalves would like additional information from Superintendent Woods, tabled at this time.
CORRESPONDENCE: Town Administrator regarding revenues from wireless antennas, previously discussed at meeting of 10/28/99. Legal notices; pertinent hearings were reviewed. Miscellaneous bulletins, newsletters and notices were read.
Next meeting: Monday, November 15, 1999 at 7:00 PM
Upcoming Meeting: Monday, December 6, 1999 at 7:00 PM
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM made by Chairman Smith, seconded by Danette Gonsalves, unanimously voted and so moved.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne M. Smith, Chairman
Ken Bulley, Acting-Superintendent
Donald T. Bates Jr., Vice-Chairman
Barbara J. Sayers, Secretary
Danette L. Gonsalves, Clerk