Commissioners Meeting Minutes 03/02/2004

Present: Chairman Donald Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol Connor

Also Present: Harry McCafferty and Lawrence Cole

Meeting called to order at 8:20 AM by Chairman Bates.

Bill schedules signed as presented.

Motion made by Danette Gonsalves to approve the minutes of 02/10/04 meeting as written. Seconded by George Cavanaugh. Unanimous vote to approve.

Lawrence Cole of the Utility and Energy Committee spoke to the Board and explained that they are exploring the use of wind turbines on town owned land. There has been a test tower located at the landfill for almost a year now collecting data at three elevations. There will be a review on 03/15/04, with the Board of Selectmen of the data collected so far. The School Department is also interested in erecting a tower to provide power to the high school and possibly the community center. Per Mr. Cole, his committee is interested in erecting a test tower on land located behind the Water Dept. main office. It is in a wooded area so some clearing would be necessary. Mass Cooperative may help with some funding, and U/MASS Amherst also has a program. This project would need a Zoning Board of Approval hearing. The Selectmen previously waived a $200.00 application fee, and perhaps this could be done again. If the Water Department is interested, the question arose as to who will represent at the Board of Selectmen, and ZBA. Evergreen Nursery in North Harwich presented a petition last month, but the application was withdrawn as a private petitioner. Mr. Cole also gave examples of wind towers in use in Mackinaw Island, Michigan, and Spirit Lake, Iowa. The towns are receiving a rental fee for using town owned land, and a royalty for kilowatt hours generated. Hull, MA also has a 660 kw wind tower on school property, and is now negotiating for another one off shore. The computer equipment is housed in the bottom. Approximately .04 cents per kw hour generated is the going rate for selling the power generated. A model bylaw is being worked on by the Cape Cod Commission at this time. Per George Cavanaugh the town needs to address this proposal with a bylaw rather than on an individual basis by variance. He also thinks the Water Dept. property is a good location as it is a wooded area and not surrounded by homes. A test data collection tower would be constructed first, but a bylaw needs to be in place before anything else is done. The first opportunity would be on the town meeting warrant of 2005, unless it goes in a special town meeting.

A letter from Town Council was received re: Stagg Chevrolet. The hearing is scheduled for 05/06/04 in Boston. Craig Wiegand and Deborah Fuller will attend.

Update of budget reviewed by the Commissioners.

Superintendent Wiegand gave an update of the 03/01/04 Selectmen's meeting and cash flow and indirect costs. Is free cash surplus or reserve? Indirect costs have to be broken down in our budget in a line item. Craig Wiegand will send a letter to the Town Accountant.

Motion made by George Cavanaugh to charge the Town of Harwich $429,397.00 for fire protection in fiscal year 2005, subject to adjustment depending on indirect costs charged to the Water Dept. by the town. Seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.

Motion made by George Cavanaugh to additionally begin charging the Town of Harwich for water usage in fiscal year 2006. and to authorize the Water Dept. to send a bill to each town department payable on or before year end closure of 2006.

Motion to adjourn at 10:05 AM.

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Carol M. Connor, Secretary

posted: 03/02/04