Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor.
Also Present: Assistant Superintendent Bruce Cahoon, and Foreman Dusty Eldredge.
Chairman Bates called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM.
No new service applications to sign this meeting.
Bill schedules signed as presented.
Abatements signed as presented.
8:30 - Chester Langway of 368 Route 28 has a blocked service and he came before the Board to ask when it became the responsibility of the homeowner to replace the pipes for a water service. Superintendent Wiegand explained that the pipes from the water main to the curb stop are the responsibility of the Water Department, and pipes from the curb stop to the house are the homeowner's responsibility. Dusty further explained that Mr. Langway's service had separated between the main and the shut off in July, 2002, and the Water Dept. replaced the pipes under the road at that time. The problem now is from the curb stop to the house. Our crew is going over today to dig up the curb stop at the property line to determine if there is water to the curb stop. If the problem is before the curb stop the Water Department will take care of it, otherwise the homeowner will be responsible. Mr. Wiegand also suggested that Mr. Langway also replace his service due to its age.
8:45 - Doris Wigren and Elaine Sampson of the Harwich Garden Club spoke re: Doane Park and all the improvements that have been made there. They asked about installing an irrigation system as it is difficult for some of the older members to drag hoses and watering buckets around. The Board referred to a letter of 09/30/03 written to Donald Milbier regarding a decision made on this last year wherein a well and irrigation system was to have been installed by the spring of 2004. The two members of the Garden Club present were not aware of this letter and agreement. The Garden Club does not have the funds to install a well at this time. The maintenance and beautification of the parks is under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen, so Superintendent Wiegand suggested the members address this with them. He also offered to help them put together their presentation. The Garden Club will discuss this proposal further and get back to Mr. Wiegand.
Superintendent Wiegand brought up a discussion regarding a shortage of manpower in the Department. He suggested hiring 4 seasonal employees next summer (possibly March or April through September or October). With this proposal benefits would not have to be paid. The average expense would be approximately $30,000 for all 4 seasonal employees, and they could be used to pick up a backlog of maintenance work, and for hydrant upkeep such as sandblasting and painting. Mr. Wiegand will research the costs of sandblasting and re-painting the hydrants red with yellow bonnets.
Regarding water service installations, a discussion was brought up about installers not taking out road cutting permits with the Highway Department. Bruce Cahoon explained to the Board some of the difficulties being encountered in the field with filling, patching, etc.
Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve sending a letter to all contractors requiring road cut permits before any water services can be installed. Donald Bates seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to approve.
Bruce Cahoon asked the Board if they see any problems with both he and Foreman Dusty Eldredge being allowed to approve service applications as they are brought in. This request is being made in the interest of time so the applicants do not have to wait 2 and sometimes 3 weeks for the Board to meet and sign the applications. Neither the Board members present, nor Superintendent Wiegand see any problem with this request.
Danette Gonsalves made a motion to approve the minutes of January 21, 2004 meeting. Donald Bates seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.
Superintendent Wiegand asked if the Board was still interested in hearing a proposal about locating wind turbines on Water Department property. The Board would like to hear proposals. Mr. Wiegand will follow up on this request.
An update was given by Danette Gonsalves regarding a meeting held with Town Administrator Wayne Melville. The topics of discussion were indirect costs, fire protection, and charging town facilities for water usage. Mr. Melville will get back to the Board on how to make this work.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent