Commissioners Meeting Minutes 01/06/2004

Present: Chairman Donald T. Bates, Jr., Vice Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand, Secretary Carol M. Connor

Also present: Harry McCafferty

Meeting called to order at 8:15 AM by Chairman Bates.

Bill schedules signed as presented.

Service application signed for:

1. 105 Grey Neck Road

George Cavanaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of 12/16/03 as written. Danette Gonsalves seconded. Unanimous vote to approve.

Abatements signed for services #986 and #4091.

The Board reviewed a meeting held on 01/05/04 with the Selectmen, Finance Committee and Water Department. The question was raised as to indirect costs being charged to this department by the town. What is being charged and how much? Per Mr. Melville at the meeting, it was a ruling by the Dept of Revenue, but the question is if a town meeting vote is necessary to do this. Where is the money coming from? Does this need to be offset? Should the other town departments be charged for water usage and fire protection? In Hyannis they charge $400.00 per hydrant for fire protection per Mr. Wiegand. The Board would have to hold a public hearing to start charging the town departments for water usage and fire protection.

If the Water Dept. stays as a regular town department instead of an Enterprise Fund then the town should not be charging indirect costs, and the Water Dept would not charge for water usage and fire protection. If the Enterprise Fund is implemented, all charges both present and past would have to be absolutely documented by the town. Are other town departments that raise money going to be looking into going to Enterprise Funds in the future? No other department budget is limited by their revenues. Another rate increase will not be considered in the near future. The Board needs to remove the incentive for the town to keep charging indirect costs against the Dept. Revenue sources are being sought by the town. The Board would like to find out from the Town Accountant where the money for the indirect costs is coming from, where it is going, and how much it is.

Also discussed was the fact that many Water Dept articles are cut before they even get to town meeting, so this department is being cut each year even though it appears that articles are being passed.

Superintendent Wiegand suggested speaking to Michael Daley about indirect costs, funds, Enterprise Fund, projects, etc. Mr. Wiegand will contact both Mr. Daley and the Town Accountant to set up meetings. Danette Gonsalves will accompany Mr. Wiegand to meet with the Town Accountant.

Some articles proposed are as follows:

1. Water main repairs at Belmont Road
2. New source investigation.
3. 2 new pickup trucks.
4. 2 new generators for the stations (this is a priority).
5. 2 new employees.
6. New computer software (Munis)

Also discussed were funds left from previous years. Are they still available and how much is left? The proposed tank should be removed from the budget and the money should come from somewhere else.

Contract for new site investigations is $51,500.00 with Environmental Partners. Mark White explained that in areas selected the yield was good, but iron and manganese was high. 4 other locations are going to be looked at also. A site exam submitted on November to DEP was reported to be one of the best they have seen, now more will be done in this area. Danette Gonsalves made a motion to sign the contract. George Cavanaugh seconded. The vote was unanimous to approve.

Superintendent Wiegand received a report of an elevated level of lead and copper at the high school. The janitorial staff will run the water every morning and the Water Dept will raise the Ph level to help get rid of residual.

Correspondence read by Board members.

1. Letter re: Warren Miranda insurance cancellation.
2. Letter sent to attorney for Stagg re: their counter offer.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 AM

Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent

posted: 01/06/04