The 8:15 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Bates. Vice-Chairman Danette Gonsalves, Clerk George Cavanaugh, Superintendent Craig Wiegand and Barbara Sayers were present.
Motion made by George Cavanaugh to accept the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2003. Seconded by Danette Gonsalves. Unanimous vote to approve.
Bill schedules reviewed and signed by the Board members.
The following new service applications were reviewed and signed by the Board.
1. 1022 Route 39
2. 59 Clearwater Dr
3. 6 Harding Ln.
4. 38 Olde Homestead Way
5. 26 Harding Ln.
6. 5 Bert's Way
7. 9 Glen Rock Rd.
Appointment: Harwich Junior Theater-protest of abatement denial. Nina Schuessler, Artistic Director of the HJT was in to discuss prior request for abatement on a repair charge that was denied by the Board. Ms. Schuessler gave history of the original call, repair bill received and why she feels the charge should be abated. Superintendent Wiegand explained the Harwich Water Department rules and regulations as they pertain to after hours call outs and charges. George Cavanaugh discussed the personnel contract item that employees are paid a minimum overtime rate when covering the on call status at the Harwich Water Department, and that if the leak had been in the Town layout, there would have been no charge. Ms. Schuessler stated that since the HJT is a non-profit organization and receives funding from the Town, she believes they should be exempt and that taxes should pay for the responding employee. Superintendent Wiegand stated that since they receive a profit from their ticket sales and may be subsidized by Town money, this does not qualify for an exemption for paying for the call out to their private water service. Danette Gonsalves states that the Board has reviewed this matter on two occasions and that the charge for the call out must remain in affect. Ms. Schuessler asked if the amount could be reduced. Danette Gonsalves responded that that then sets a precedent that would have to be offered to all of our customers and every emergency repair call. The balance on the account will remain in full at $125.00.
Old/unfinished business: Superintendent Wiegand is working on the FY/05 budget and will have a preliminary budget to present to the Board by next week. He is creating both a budget based on an enterprise fund model as well as a budget as is currently used. George Cavanaugh asks about meetings to be held for enterprise fund discussion, Superintendent Wiegand will schedule workshops after the budget is prepared, timeframe will probably be within the next two weeks. George Cavanaugh suggests that to keep moving forward with the enterprise fund concept is in the best interest of the Department. Superintendent Wiegand discusses documentation received on the proposal of Cape Light Compact to redo the lights of the facility, total includes both parts and labor. A reduction in both electrical use and cost for the facility will be expected. Cape Light Compact is also working on a cost effective analysis on possibly pulling wells and replacing existing pumps with more energy efficient submersible pumps. The limit for the project cannot exceed $75,000 and projected costs are estimated at between $20,000 - $50,000. Superintendent Wiegand states that the cost to the Department should be nothing. If pumps at stations 5, 6, and 7 are done, then all of the pumps in the system will have been updated. Superintendent Wiegand has spoken to the Town Accountant as to how this projected is accepted, as either a grant, gift, etc. He should here back from Cape Light Compact within the next 2-3 weeks and will keep the Board informed.
New Business: Superintendent Wiegand read letter from Don Milbier regarding an exemption from mandatory water restriction at Doane Park. Superintendent Wiegand recommends granting the exemption based on the stipulation that a private well to supply the irrigation system must be installed and in use by June 30, 2004. George Cavanaugh makes motion that exemption to comply with mandatory water restriction be granted at Doane Park, on the stipulation that the irrigation well must be installed and in use by June 30, 2004. Seconded by Donald Bates. Unanimous vote to approve.
Superintendent's Report
Correspondence: Letter from Don Milbier, discussed under new business.
Next meeting: October 7, 2003
Motion to adjourn at 9:25 AM made by George Cavanaugh, seconded by Danette Gonsalves, unanimously voted and so moved.
Donald T. Bates,Jr., Chairman
Danette Gonsalves, Vice Chairman
George Cavanaugh, Clerk
Craig Wiegand, Superintendent
Barbara J. Sayers, Secretary